Friday, October 15, 2010

Getting Started in a New Life-it's 8:52 P.M.

I have tried over and over again to fix an old website, but I simply don't know how, and unless I pay someone -again to do it right, what does a person do? Maybe what I'm doing now, start fresh this way, blogging. Who knows what it will lead to.
Does perserverance have anything to do with who and where you came from? Such hard questions to answer. In my family we are so opposite and few like my parents, so who influences us? What makes us, us?
Norwegain Plaid comes from part of my heritage. For now I am ending this as I just want to have a pancake and watch tv. Talk to you later all and be well, as well as you can for this day. Remember, no one will take care of you like you.

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