Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Don't ask, Don't Tell

That saying has had me confused for many years, and I live that way anyway so it was all normal for me, with the exception of going back and forth, who believes what. Who should or should tell, what will the consequences be and who will suffer? All parties suffer, no matter what the ending is.
Oh by the way I'm not talking about what you might think I'm talking about. I'm talking about people who cheat and shop in that secret way that no one is supposed to know. In the end people get caught.
Hide those receipts, cut the tags off, but how do you account for the balance in your account? Isn't it too much to bear? STOP! NOW! SAVE!
Now you cheaters, you....PIGS ALL... ALL PIGS. Why do you do it?
Money. Are you afraid to divorce then have to pay support of some kind? So you stay quiet, but your spouse knows or gf or bf. Yes they know, but dumbly are hoping you get over it. They should run as fast as they can. YOU who are tempted to cheat but haven't yet, talk to your spouse etc first, then a pastor, counselor, friend, anyone to clear your head and rethink it all. Then if you still want to cheat, go see a lawyer and get a divorce because if you don't then you really deserve everything you get, or lose.

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