Monday, October 25, 2010

SHUT UP Puh leese -Endless ECHO

How many times do you want or need quiet, and people just won't shut up! Finally they do and you hear the endless chatter of neighbors, cars or trucks with engines roaring next door or even down the road.
Recently with a friend who lives in New York and invited me to stay at her apartment with her and her husband said she understood when I turned the invite down. I explained the echo of silence, how so wonderfully good it felt to close the door to my hotel room, looking at the order and cleanliness, but most of all, hear the quiet...ahhh, and ahhh again.

I lay down and once again, even on the second floor, my room on a corner in Brooklyn with a view, was silent. So very silent. If I didn't want to spend time with my friends so much, I would have remained there the whole time. But we agreed to meet at a diner for lunch and so I went.

Looking around as soon as I went in noticed the hectic pace, heard dishes and trays clanging, glasses clinking, silverware being dropped and people, people who never shut-up.

They never even took a breath. I sat waiting for the waitress with other friends and somehow got lost in thinking about the quiet waiting in my room back at the hotel. I had to be tapped twice, Are you going to order? huh? Oh yeah. I ordered a corned beef on rye and ginger ale, and started talking like the rest, but never fully involved.

I wondered, do they ever feel the same way? Do they finish work and just can't wait to get home to the quiet or are they greeted at the door by kids,a husband wanting supper or a wife complaining? How do you meet your house? How does your home greet you? Are you getting your share of quiet? Ahhhh

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