Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Okay so I'm not a girl. I called Maxwell house today to ask about instant coffee. The small local convenience store does not carry it anymore as I was told. The larger stores, one I don't shop and the other, Giant tells me they carry it, don't order a lot and probably run out fast. That was a year ago. Since then I have been back of course many times. No Maxwell house instant coffee regular, and Giant keeps in on the bottom shelf, I suppose to push their own brand, and the regular cans.

Here is the response I get from Maxwell House this afternoon. The first person, a guy says hello. Hello? Is this Maxwell house? Yes. I'm calling about your instant coffee....click, hang up. I call back, get a gal, nice who lets me know yes, they still carry it and which stores carry it. NOW twice I went to Giant just to buy the small jar, none there, so of course I asked about a freebie.

I am still in doubt they make it, per my experience this past year. I like to have a pot of hot water on for tea, coffee, and oatmeal, a strong Viking here. Her reply was to laugh(silly me) and to say, oh no we can't do that, but ca I have your e mail and address so we can send you promotions. My reply? Oh no, I can't do that.

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