Saturday, October 16, 2010

Still Mulling
Okay so here I am again and it's 5:17 p.m. Eastern Standard time. By the way 517 is Norwegian Independence day, the day when the squareheads have their parades, just like the Irish in a way. My mother used to talk on the phone in Norwegian all the time, and I felt she was plotting and planning. Go learn a language and see how much fun you can have with it. Imagine being a sign language translator? I always wanted to do that, but life overcame me and now the only signs I make guessed it.
No I don't even do that anymore. What I do is sew, make wooden signs, wooden memory and keepsake boxes, and I write. I love to do it all. But more important is to spend time with my grown-up kids. Kids? Yes, but one is in Omaha and the other in Delaware, so before I go, check out please and send me to NY-I know no class.

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