Friday, October 29, 2010

David Morse, Bring him...Yum:) Slurp:)

Don't tell me you don't know David Morse. Yum with a capitol "Y" Like many men they just get better looking with age, but David Morse not only is better looking but has seasoned early in his acting years. Sure this is late to post this but honestly, it's never to late to say anything good about anyone, and don't you ever forget that. Back to Smorsey Morsey, Slurp!

I saw him with my daughter at the Booth theatre ( I think it was) in the Seafarer. Our seats were first row to the left and ya won't believe it, but we had the best seats in the house. Sure David was all over the small square stage but, and this but is important, he was so close I had to be warned!
My daughter heard me making mouth noises and talking under my breath, whispering, and simply telling her, I can reach him, I can touch his hand, I could even say something and he would hear me. My Daughter J. Just said though a smiled but gritted grin, mom mm, don't you dare, promise me, don't, no mom. Okay! okay! okay! I'm not going to do anything. I just want to. It was so tempting.
I remembered him on a hospital TV show with Howie Mandel, and he was delicious then, and of course on House, but before that he starred in The Seafarer. WHAT A MAN!
Here is what I saw as I watched him and the other players; yes I did watch them too, but mainly focused on David, my David who happens to be married to another woman. When you see an actor of his caliber, doing what he did in that play, The Seafarer, you almost forget he's an actor. As I sat so still in that left front row seat, David Morse got down on all fours, acting as if he was putting wood in the wood stove , then scrubbing the floor. His hands, his hands were so, oh so manly, so strong, so "worked" that you can just imagine...anything, and everything.
His face was sincere with words and actions twisting in anger, frustration of that life. His hair just right with touches of grey, waves curling at his neck, and his eyes, his eyes so blue, a person wants to keep
staring to make sure they are that blue. But the memory of his reddened strong hands and himself walking tall across the stage with a deliberate determination let's a lady hope, hope that David Morse will be back on Broadway again, so she can buy tickets for four this time. J. M. C. and me of course.
to succeed at anything he had to do, was simply memorable.

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