Monday, October 18, 2010

This coffee is VULGAR -uhch%#@*kaka

Okay this is just my opinion. I love coffee but recently think I needed to cut back. Today I went to a local grocery store and very much wanted Maxwell house instant, regular with that little red lid, but all Maxwell has on the shelf is decaffeinated, the blue lid. So I decide to get the store brand as I know usually the store brand in most things is just as good if not better that the brand name.
I am now ready at this time 5:45 p.m. Eastern time for a cup of regular instant coffee. Oh I could have bought a large jar of another brand, but hate to feel as if I have to buy such a huge jar, plus I like the glass jars. Pouring water , the cup blackens, I add milk and sip-oh save me!!! horrible, awful, disgusting coffee, oh wait I didn't add sugar. That should make it better. In I add one small packet of regular. Sipping again I expected better. Oh someone slap me hard, harder! This stuff PUKES !!! Now I'm out of regular good ol Lipton tea and good coffee-I know where I'll be tomorrow, buying coffee that I know is good to the last drop.

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