Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Are you What You Wear? FREAKS ?

No ya big dummy! YOU are who you feel and know you to be. That's who you are. Don't listen to those freaks on television. Look at that guy Cojo? He has the nerve to tell anyone how to look-FREAK ALERT!
Now some of those fashionista's are nice in their critiques, BUT-Who died and made them FAshion God's? Then so many others get in on it too-oh so pathetic. Get a life you FREAKS!
Let me tell you my fashion sense for today. I'll be wearing the latest in carpenter jeans, about four years old with holes worn in the pockets about to split at any time. Then to accessorize I will thrown on my tee shirt top with a stain in the middle of my bosom as they all have stains. It's where my cup runneth over. My foot wear will be a pair of assics, minus socks, because I just don't freakin care. Oh The do...you know my hair. I love my hair, my best feature. So today I am pulling it back in a clip -minus a brush out.
Who freakin cares what I look like? Not me, not today. It's raining, and I'm shopping, cleaning, doing paperwork and other things. So No one to hold my umbrella, no one to help clean or shop as in carry and load the bags, and most definitely no one to do paperwork with me. So who is there to impress? GET A LIFE YOU FREAKS!
I know there will be people looking at my "style". FREAK THEM!
They are jealous. Why, you ask? Because they went through so much time and trouble this morning to put on someone else's face, fit into those stylish fifty-dollars a pair jeans, do the hair just right, and grab the umbrella, check make-up before leaving-yes women-(well most of them), and guess what? No one cares unless they're single and hoping to get picked up, looked at, receive a compliment and feed their ego. These same people are, shopping alone, carrying and loading their bags alone, hair is getting frizzy anyway, and best of all they're wearing heels and can't wait to get home and take them off.
So look at me with amazement if you will as I too, am amazed.

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