Monday, October 18, 2010

Adoption, What's wrong with this picture?

Most people who know me know I want to adopt a child, an older child about fifteen or sixteen. That age suits me better at my age. I have a lot of mental health experience, worked with kids, have a college degree, have done foster care and guess what? Big Deal. None of that prepares you for what's to be expected if you might want to adopt. If I knew a long time ago how to, what to do, who to see, what adoption site was better, how agencies work for the good of each other, as in let's get this kid adopted, I would have done so many things differently a long time ago.

Now this is hypothetical of course. If you had a child who, I can't even describe without typing about a dozen pages, has so many issues, explosive, and no one wants to do respite with that child, how do you ever get a break, or think about adoption. So along comes a fact finder, learns about a wonderful adoption site, free, has older children, may who want to be adopted even at eighteen, but what if you were told you can't adopt a different child until you adopt this one-or give notice and we'll move this child on. There is such a thing as legal guardianship, but the county doesn't want that. They are afraid, hypothetically of course. I remember one day hearing about a children and youth worker and an adoption family prep person saying, two down two to go; No longer people but numbers.

There are good reasons to be afraid, but why punish other kids from being adopted because of hypothetically only wanting legal guardianship with the younger child. A world of difference between the two. Reimbursement goes way down, the county hardly ever pops in and the adult parent makes all decisions. With adoption, everything is final, and you still haven't learned about the child as he or she has not entered in the hormonal years combined with the fears you were told about might come due to history. So agencies won't accept kids from other agencies, but not all. The agency who has the child up for adoption will gladly send the child, transfer, let him or her do weekends, but once they talk to children and youth, and C&Y talks to your agency, everything comes to an abrupt halt.

Why do they cooperate with one another? Business. It's a kid business but who really has the best interest in the kids?

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