Saturday, October 16, 2010

Andy? Greta? Pauly? Still Waiting?

I just went to a local convenience store and heard a woman call her dog Harold. Now I knew a guy named Harold when I lived in Oregon. He was a great guy, and that's all I'll say about that.
Do you like your name? Mine's okay. When I was a kid I used to be called Doozybots. For years I never knew if it meant anything or not, but did think it couldn't have been good because my parents had some of the worst nicknames. How would you like to have been called scrawneyballs? I didn't care because it was a brother I never liked. Well I did until something happened.
Anyway some years later at a supper at another brothers house and an Italian uncle, not mine, said it meant crazy in the head.
Oh everyone had a huge laugh, and I acted like ti was funny too but it wasn't not when you were treated like some of us were.
Survival meant acting like a clown or stupid. Now here I am, much older, but still young in my mind ad ave taken doozybots and made it doozybags, a web site for my bags and other stuff.
Well I knew that would be kool, and may people agreed it was a catchy name. For about three years I've had that name, a web site, had a guy put doozybags on my bags and kid skirts and a few other things. Success right? Not yet? Still waiting to see what happens and still trying. Look at this one. Well do you like it?

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