Friday, October 29, 2010

If Hollywood is For It, Vote...

Against it. That's what a friend recently told me. She then went into what sounded like common sense to me. Over coffee at her kitchen table we talked about voting, and why so many people stopped caring, statements even we have made like, they're all the same, Repeat offenders basically.
Going on with the why bother because they seem to only benefit the extremely poor or the wealthy. It's just Ike school. If you're a snot-nosed punk always in trouble, people are jumping through hoops to "help you" and if you're a brain, people are forever praising you.
What about everyone in the middle? So think about Hollywood, mostly Democrats, bleeding hearts who can afford to bleed, who can well afford the time they do give, as well as money. People Like George Clooney, Sean Penn, Harry Connic as well as may female actresses too. But they have what we don't, a platform, money, celebrity and of course supporters of the same genre. Do you think if they earned eighteen thousand a year, they would have the same feelings? So they do what ever they can and yes, it is very good, nice, decent, generous, but if Hollywood is for it, maybe we do need to be against it.
There's something else too. Look at the movies they make to attract kids, music they put out so kids will spend and imitate. Because they are celebrities, when they decide to "check-out" it becomes public. I don't know what the answer is, except maybe a little more giving to the generations here and now today who are so impressed with the "stars". Go to the cities, build schools, roller rinks, art centers, vocational centers, and have instructors available. Hire and put people back to work instead of saying, Hey vote for my guy, he'll put people back to work.
You celebrities who show, cameras every step of the way how you're helping other countries and supporting politicians here, how about help, really help this country and put our peopleback to work. Why not invest in companies that are closing down and going overseas, and support them to make it here. We are becoming the New China. Support America. After all, isn't it your country who put you where you are, that you have what you do?

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