Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wake me up at 6a.m.? photo Divide & Conquer

Okay this pic was posed, but they just got out of their rooms forty-five minutes apart. Wake me up on a weekend each day at six? Breakfast will be one child at a time while the other who was worse waits in his room until the first is finished. Then room time for one hour starts at different times which means they want to play together so bad/ly? they have to wait until the time balances out. I have also decided to do a small load of wash, and yes, maybe punishing me too, but that child can't go out until his clothes are dry.
They were going to have breakfast at the airport this morning and go to Borders, which now didn't and won't happen. No television, which they don't have much of anyway. But it is all about divide and conquer. Remember? We too did it as kids with out parents.
One parent says no, go to the other one. One child asks and gets a no, and sends the other one then they get a half hour earlier bedtime, lights out, divide and conquer. I also explain when they gripe one time, yes you will be treated different because you are different. Sitting down we have conversations about the differences because kids still feel it's unfair. If it becomes a battle, I drop it and wait until the next day. Now I can afford to do this as I am a stay at home old goat.
The next day arrives, Aha! One child gets up wants to eat later. I say no, today you are "Bobby" you will eat now. Soon after "Joey" comes out wants to eat no, I say later as today you are "Joey. I do a whole day of that and when bedtime comes, one child has to be in his room by a certain time, has half an hour of quiet play, the second half hour reading in his bed if he chooses, if not he can just lay there, but lights out after the second half hour. Also switching role, we switch ages, which in the end meant same bed time.
One boy was used to having stories read, I said okay and read to the other boy.
Also during that day we went out to eat one boy wanted something special, and I say no, you're as "Bobby, allergic to that. Oh what an amazing day. Remember when your child thinks he is being treated worse than the other, switch chores or assign chores. Treat them as the other is treated because of issues, personalities, gender and so on. Tell them the only thing you get the same is LOVE! That's just a fact of life. P.S. I Love You

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