Friday, October 29, 2010

That Lonely Sound, George Jones

By George Jones, is a heart breaker, so if you're in the mood, nothing beats that sound. Somehow I think old George has become a different guy in his old age, yet I'll never think of him as old because of his music.

While most of his music tears you up, I'm sure many people can relate to his music. One song, A Picture of Me Without You, may have to do with Tammy Wynette. What a relationship and then there's The Grand Tour, about a lonely house that once was home sweet home. In that song he remembers and goes through how someone who loved him is now gone forever, and this old house will never be the same, how she did so much for him. There's her rings, all her things---as you leave you'll see the nursery, oh she left me without mercy..step right up, come on in.

George Jones was in my opinion a man with a deep sadness who had an almost impossible task of coming to terms with his life.( But what do I know)

Another song is We Can Make it, and isn't that how most of his songs go?

About either making it, trying to make it, or not making it at all? Those of us who loved him and his music, I doubt didn't like his life, but wished we were part of it, not really understanding past the glitter. I know I did. For years all I thought about was, would George Jones take some of my poetry and make them into a song, and felt a connection to his music, knowing he would understand my writings, or ramblings as some may think.

Now one song I know everyone relates to is, He Stopped Loving Today, so when you can, find it and listen to it. How many, uselessly hope your love will come back again? George Jones... play it again, and again.

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