Monday, October 25, 2010

Blind Road Curves Kill

You'll see a picture in your mind as soon as you see the title. How many times have you driven around a curve to come upon stopped traffic and barely had time to stop?
Today on Oprah, there was a horror story about a lady who lost her three little babies, because a truck driver could not stop as he came around a curve and couldn't see stopped traffic ahead. Switching a moment here, she became pregnant a year later with triplets, two girls and a boy. She lost two girls and a boy.A Miracle? I think so. Prior to getting pregnant she and her husband no longer wanted to live, but a pregnancy changed all that, and to make this more unbelievable, they forgave the truck drive who had three kids of his own and has to carry that burden the rest of his life.
Now back to the issue, curvy roads. Please slow down when you approach a curve. You don't know what's around the bend. Years ago I was on a curve, and there was road construction. I had just had surgery, had to wait three months before I was allowed to drive again and there I sat on my way to visit my little brother. My little girl sat in the back seat, and my son was next to me, seat belts on.
Patiently we waited just past the curve for traffic to move, and because I just had surgery, I made sure there was plenty of room between the car in front of me and my car. Suddenly I looked in my read view mirror and saw a car coming so fast I thought she would fly over me. I had a big Chevy, beautiful, and said oh God, they're not stopping. It was a 1985 volkswagon Golf, faster and faster as I tried to pull away, off to the side of the road.

Crash, she hit me in the left rear, flying over two more lanes. Glass went flying and her brand new car was demolished. My old boat? Thank You God for a couple reasons. My children were okay. Two, that's a couple and all that's important.

But she was traveling at a high rate of speed, and did not slow down coming around a curve which she didn't have any idea concerning what was on the other side. Slow down, on a hill, in the rain, around the curves. After all, there's nothing worse than a DEAD END.

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