Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I'm No Longer dating Charlie Sheen

So Pathetic, just another Hollywood guy who doesn't appreciate just how fortunate he is. Almost 2 mill an episode? Who deserves that kind of money? I'll tell you who, parents who raise children to be decent, responsible, not greedy adults who contribute back in life, and the children who turn out to be that person, because we all know, at some point no matter how children are raised, they become who they want to be.

All that greed starts at the top. Our government, politicians, big businesses, banks, actors and actresses. Yes they're in the same category as you know those big guys and gals at the top are only actors and actresses in different roles. They at times, they'll get caught in who they really are, playing footsie in the bathroom, dating a college student while the wife is at home, trying to seduce young boys, doing a Clinton, over billing for lunches at taxpayers expense, flying to Aspen , again at our expense, gambling , boozing, and using hotel and flying as a write-off at, yes, our expense. So this is what our kids learn. Now Charlie.

As far as Charlie goes, how many of us watch him, tell our kids this is inappropriate for you, but they can hear it-guilty here! Well no more.
As of today Charlie Harper Sheen is not welcome in my house! We are through! It's official at 8:36 a.m. EST...Charlie Sheen at almost 2 mill, you are banned. I can think of better ways for that station to spend their money,
than on a guy who with two kids across the hall remains the same greedy kid he was years ago when we first got together. I think that was Breakfast Club. So long Charlie!

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