Friday, October 22, 2010

Johnny Mathis, My Example

Last night while bored with the usual same old news, I came across Johnny Mathis with Tavis Smiley, a late night talk show host who isn't like what many are used to viewing. I Left him and looked around but kept coming back to Johnny and finally settled on watching him before bed.
Johnny Mathis is seventy-five years in age. I can't say old, because he looks fabulous. Yes, sure he had on make-up, long sleeves, a wig, but screw all that, he looks better than many fifty-year olds, and here's why, he listened.

Unlike myself with a weight problem and a couple of other issues I have always been a poor patient, stubborn, and independent thinking that no matter what I'm too strong to have that, whatever it was at the time. Here is what he listened to.
While in his twenties, Johnny Mathis was on a golf course and an older man remarked about his body, how well he looked and what did he do. Johnny's comment was, I sing. The man said, no how do you keep fit?
He was a bit startled that the man thought this, but answered, well I just am. Johnny then listened to what the man said. He told him just as we all have heard before, but in fewer words, "take care of your body."

Johnny said he remembered that and made sure to do just that. He took care of his body. Hold on now, a little more. So another twenty years pass and again he finds himself somewhere after or before a show, and someone commented on how good he looks. Trying to think to last night's show, Johnny commented thank you, I take care of my body.
That second man told him to keep it up and it will keep you up, something to that effect. If those weren't his words, then they're mine!
Johnny's routine is, to work out five days a week, one and a half an hours' a day. He also didn't go into detail, but said he eats right, meditates, Spiritual time,works, still plays golf, and the next thing really amazed me about his successes.
Maybe this is why Johnny Mathis hasn't ever as I know been a subject of gossip. Tavis Smiley asked about competition. Johnny answered, I didn't see them as competition, but just nice guys. So he never let that get into his head, a negative for sure. That made sense to me, and with that and his take care of your body from an older and wiser man, I am going to change things here too.
I also remember someone saying something about business, maybe on the 700 club. Put God first, so that's how I will start my day every day. Today I am committed to lose twenty pounds by the twenty-first of November. Thank You Johnny Mathis! For those of you who know me and say, well yeah sure you will, I smile. For those of you who don't know me and think she's a nut! Well I am-smile.

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