Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sex & Siblings ?

     I know. It's a disgusting title but I wanted something to get your attention. This is serious. Recently I found out and I have heard about this before but didn't pay as much attention to this fact: How many times does a man marry, have children, move so often that the siblings have different last names and don't know of other half-siblings existence.That man or men don't want to tell the new family that they have completely abandoned kids on the Eats Coast, or West Coast, or the Midwest, so they start anew, leaving children all over.
    Besides that, what about families who get spilt up due to foster care and adoption. Adoptive parents no longer have to have sibling contact and most don't because they want their new children to "move on."
    A few years ago a young man stopped by to do some work, said he was getting married soon. Marriage came, and back to work. At the after party he found out the young lady he married was his cousin. Because of names changes, family moving, re marriages he never knew just how close he and his new wife were. They did decide to remain married but won't have children.
     My point is, people, stop jumping into bed with someone you have just met or only had a few dates with. Know them, really know them, background, family history, adoption, foster care, single parents? You really need that information.
      I learned of a half sibling when I was about nineteen and so many years later find out that one brother out of six, happened to be born two months apart from another brother. Parents hide secrets because they don't want to admit to mistakes. Then there are the parents who simply never marry so kids take on either the fathers name or the mothers name. Years pass and they  separate and move. One parent take the son, another the daughter...I could go on with all kinds of examples. Please be careful and parents, you'll get more from your kids by telling them at appropriate times and ages those kinds of secrets. They have a right to know...or do you want them bring a sibling home to marry, after they've already been having sex?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fat? Medical & Mental Differences

     I call it as I see it and I have the experience. Off and on this last year according to what was happening in my life, I either over ate, ate just right, indulged too much with ice creams, friend and snacks ( only one night) or I ate sensibly and drank so much water.
     What I noticed is the mental effects of overeating as well as the medical side. Sure many say it's just mind over matter and if that works for you, go to it. If most really took the time to explore what's in our foods, we would only buy what grows naturally, well plant based. Need protein? Study, read, learn and ask questions. You don't need to go to health food stores, but for information, it's worth a trip. Need a second opinion, see an osteopathic doctor. What a world of difference.
      This last week I have changed what I usually eat to sweet potatoes, quinoa and vegetables, hard boiled eggs and ice milk for a sweet touch. I mixed the quinoa with the vegetables which were frozen and some baked chicken I made a day before, cutting it into small pieces. If you need more flavor, add a tine bit of Paprika, cinnamon or no fat dressing, or if you like more spice, pick your favorite.
    What I can say as fact is ninety percent of my pain in both shoulders is gone as is the horrible pain in my hands. WHY ? Because I forgot how good mentally and physically I felt when I did plant based eating last year. I have rotator cuff impingement in both shoulders and carpel tunnel in both hands. This change with water and food is like medicine and I didn't need a doctor at all to let me know the effects are positive.
   Many people hear drink a lot of water and say, no I can't. So did I. But when it came to me knowing I needed to feel better, the water did it. I fill a twenty ounce plastic glass, add some ice and drink. I watch TV or on my PC and before I knew it, I filled up again. I did this between two and three hours apart. Better than adding potato chips to my heart. Now when I eat, I tell myself, oh yeah, this is the good heart food. Find your own message and use it. It all helps.

Prison or Poverty ?

     Do you believe most prisoners belong where they are and deserve how they live or exist in prisons? Personally it's is an individual thing since DNA has become a very important factor. But when a crime is proven, they absolutely belong where they are, in my opinion of course.
   Today I read a bit of an article about how unfair it is in prison. Well if so, they stay away from crimes. Be a good citizen and stop your whining! Man or woman enough to do the crime ? Now it's time to pay up you loser you. But oh wah, wah. Suddenly you are being treated unfairly and call it cruel and unusual punishment. Too bad you didn't think about that when, just before you decided to mug an old lady, or rape a defenseless woman or man.
    Crimes take thinking beforehand. Very few are just a sudden thought and even that doesn't excuse you. So now you poor sad person. You have television, computer used, a library, a gym, basketball, medical, dental, clothes, haircuts, free meals, an EDUCATION, college degree, and if you have health issues with diet specific issues or religious, you get fed accordingly. BULL CRAP!!! The Citizens of the United States are still your victims because we are now paying to house you. On top of that you get free access to lawyers!
   Cruel and unusual punishment? I'll tell you what's cruel and unusual punishments beside all of the victims of your crimes,  it's people who live in poverty mainly because of crime in these United states. Look at the paper trail of crime and what it cost. That money could be helping those who really need it. Instead we pay to support the DEA, any and all programs for Alcohol rehab, Firearms bought and sold illegally, Pimps and prostitution, teens having babies, illegal immigrants. Those people, illegal immigrants at least most of them cross the borders to try to have a job of any kind, to live a better life for themselves and families. No excuse, but a reason.
   See families here on welfare because they have too many kids and parts of welfare should be cut off, but then look at Welfare and men and women who have lost their jobs, give them more. Welfare recipients should be drug tested. Its a cycle. People in prisons continue to commit crimes, receive disability, steak from dead people, get retirement and unemployment.
    When is our government going to put their big feet down?

Meds, Better Buys

     DO not buy your medicine as soon as you get your prescription, unless of course you need it. Here are some things to do to get a better buy:
  1.    Go home and make three calls to the favorite three pharmacies you deal with. Have a pen and paper in hand.
  2.     If a new script, only get a few of  that one filled , letting them know you don't want to pay for a whole prescription, when in fact it may have a side effect and not agree with you. (side note) Recently I had a script filled and before hand asked the doc about side effects. He brushed me off and said, nah...well I bout the whole thing and the side effect was it made me so sleepy, I napped way too much.
  3.    Ask for generic.
  4.    Ask for delivery. They may not do it twice for a same script filled with just a few pills, but it's worth it.
  5.    Once you found a better pharmacy that isn't trying to steal the last penny you have, ask you doctor to make any future scripts in doubles and explain why. Then ask him to have his office call in to your favorite pharmacy.
     Good Luck with the pharmacies and your doctor, oh a last thought, ask your Parmacy if they have discounts, either for age or new meds.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Vertigo VS. VIAGRA=3V's-short

       I think I told the doctor I had a problem with Viagra. He laughed and said, well since you're a female I doubt it. It turned out to be Vertigo. Wow, that feeling made me think, how does anyone want to take illegal drugs ever? Now about the drugs-well read the next post. I was given two scripts for a medication to help lighten the feeling of Vertigo, but if on it, I could not drive as it makes you sleepy, very sleepy and the other med is for nausea, 7 pills for 43.00! (ONDANSETRON) I still haven't needed that, as that feeling along with sweating went away the first day. The first one to lighten the feeling was only 7. for 20 pills. Now see the next post. Oh, I can't get a refund because the bottle wasn't sealed.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chris Brown's Artsy Views

     Yes, one of many comments and who cares, right? His neighbors care, that's who. But I don't care because it's his home and who has a right to tell him what to do on his own home. This is America. If you don't want to worry about a person painting Graffiti on their home, then you move! Go to a secluded property. If you live where he lives you can afford it!
    I am sick of neighbors being so critical about another persons property. I know, I've been there. My issues were however different. I bought a small home to raise my children in and from the first day was asked, then told I was the only single lady on the block. From there it progresses to how long I let my grass grow.
   Did anyone, one person ask, can I help? No, Not at all. These good Christan neighbors were only concerned about how things "LOOKED"! They also didn't just come over with a mowing tractor and mow out of the goodness of their Christian hearts. But what they did do, one lady in particular was complain to the township! Thank you KElly F.
    First I got a call about how long my grass was. I explained my situation to no avail.(Medical) After that phone call which I found out was not an ordinance, about the length of grass, I went to sit down at my living room window. Guess who I saw next? It was a township car slowly cruising past my home, almost stopping and I see this nosey woman taking in every blade. She was the same woman who told me who the nice lady was who reported my grass and followed it up with a letter. That same lady also worked in the township building.
    I waited about seven minutes and then called the township. After telling her who I was, I asked what right does she have to snoop in a township, taxpayer car. Now get this.She said, well I wasn't snooping, I was just driving by on my way home from lunch. LIAR! I told her-no you had to go out of your way to come into this development(with a dead-end street) and drive past my home on an opposite side of the street. It ended with me telling her, I'll mow when I can afford it and am well enough.
   I have to say I ended up spiting people by letting it grow about four feet high.
That was a funny day. When this guy came to mow, the type of mower he used looked like a  helicopter coming over  the mountain on MASH and boy did neighbors come out to watch. I couldn't believe it. They never came out to ask if I was okay, if I needed help, could they do something. No, just to either look or complain, and right across the street lived a church Choir directer who also stood outside with wife and kids to stare at the great mowing!
   By the way, my issues at the time was, I just had a second back surgery , about to have a third and of course finances. I had a deep slope so no, I wouldn't let my very young children mow either. I was new to this area and that time set the stage for me in knowing who my neighbors really are, so leave Chris Brown alone. It's paint. That's all it is and unless he just wants to annoy with Graffiti, who cares? Live your life and let him live his, and just maybe, walk over and let him know how artistic you find his art. He does paint more than just that you know. Be more concerned with what's on the inside of your heart than the outside of his home.
  A last note here. I have become friendly with a neighbor immediately next door to me and very nice friends with one family who came here from another part of the state. I hired their boys to mow for me:) But that last family have always been there for me if I needed and even when I didn't. Now that's a neighbor!

America Needs To...Answers

    Come to terms that we are not doing better. Like a blender we are a nation of immigrants but that shouldn't mean we allow people amnesty for ten years who came here illegally, so do what's needed and close the borders. But I know if that does happen the business of immigration will be so much less and the DEA will not need as many security guards and drug dogs, all equaling money.
    Farmers in California want the immigrants because of low pay. Here's my answer to that. We had or have civil service when young men and women wanted to go overseas to help in impoverished countries. So why not do that here, but in another way.
   High School and college students in their last years of programs should have to do internships in community services, but get paid the same as the Immigrants were/are being paid. If it starts in high school the purpose it serves is an OMG, if I don't do better this is my life. Maybe start that in the third year of high school.
   DRUGS-Those who are picked up for drug trafficking will serve time in the fields. They will receive credit for time served depending on how well they perform the duties of picking fruits and vegetables. If they don't show, they go to a local jail/reform program and then are taken to the fields.
   Drug Addicts-okay we don't want them puking on the crops, so the first thirty-ninety days in jail or a program and then field time, or work in food banks, or missions, cleaning streets, toilets etc. to show them where their life is going.
   Pimps-First timers. One year in jail.
   Prostitutes- six months in jail and six months working in fields.
This same type of work can work across the criminal board.
  Make the crime work. Kids also need criminal punishment. Lets start with having them work in the school they are in as part of a work/giving back program. They can also receive a certain amount of credit when they do extra well.
     We're not doing better. Too many are still on family generational welfare, food stamps, medical. Yes, I know many need it, but when I see a single young man or woman, without children or responsibilities other than self support leaning on the government, when they could be working two jobs, they too need some field jobs. If they tell a caseworker, but I can't find a job, That caseworker should say, well we have a cleaning job for you...and of course the client answer will be, oh no I can't do that. The caseworker answer should be a one time, no second chances, oh honey I understand and as she watches the smile come across the clients face, simply tell them, case closed.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Westboro Baptist, Funerals & Freedoms

     Sometime last week my son and I had a chat about the "Freaks" of this so called church, Westboro Baptist. They were about to protest at another funeral. Yes others got together and let them know what would happen if they did-Cowards that they are never showed.We agreed with the fact that people have a right under the constitution to protest anywhere and for any reason in these wonderful Unites States of America-EXCEPT- Funerals, and even a few other situations. In other words, case by case.
     Funerals should be off limits for anyone to protest and I don't care what they think they're protesting, they're are disruptive to people who just lost a son or daughter, usually during the war. I can't even believe this is really a church.
    What about CHILDREN who participate in these protests? Can't those parents be charged with some kind of neglect. Look at the phrases on the signs in protests that they are teaching and allowing their children to use. So now we have kids learning this is free speech, so they take it to school and bam! Trouble, and now confusion for the child. In the principals office the child states, but I'm allowed to say FAG, I'm allowed to say...whatever else is written on these posters. Once again in protest, a parent comes to school and now a parent has to explain why it is only acceptable at funerals. Those No good, so called chucrh going hypocrites!
      Now you notice I didn't say Christians. Those hateful signs state God Hates....How do they know what God hates. I have learned over the Years God loves the sinner, as in Westboro Protestors, and hates the sin, again Westboro Protestors.
     AMEN !

How do You Live a Good Life ?

     No one knows what is in your past that brought you to where you are today, so how can they understand?

    So how do you live a good life? Every person is individually motivated or not. Answers have to be individual as are traumas. Considering two females for example were battered, the answer still has to be individual as are the people are.
    For starters, make a list on what you think you need to make your life better. Many people start with money, but that's secondary even though we do need money to exist, and it will come, but what do you need before that in order to improve your finances? Ask Maggie

Monday, May 13, 2013

Military RAPISTS & Obama-PERVERSION Within

    This has been on ongoing assault of American women serving in the military and being ignored for generations. The Inspector General when received reports of the offenses, states he has higher priorities. Women, good military women have had to leave the service, the only way to have a life of some kind of safety.
    The military does not like to prosecute people, especially friends who sexually assault others. THEY ARE SEXUAL PREDATORS, who belong on MEgans list.
    One service man has been doing this for ten years and still has not been prosecuted. Listening to these women and some congressional people who are telling them they understand, yet do little makes me wonder about President Obama. What if this was one or both of his daughters in the military, was assaulted and were told you are not allowed to sue the Military and it gets swept under the rug. This is about every President who allows this. This is about congress and no wonder they get away with what they do.  Anyone who turns their backs on this problem is nothing but a sexual predator in disguise.

     Why is the military exempt from lawsuits? I say it's because they know the perversion within. They would go broke. We tell men to stand up and behave like men. IS this how to behave? Rape a women and run, and then  have other men protect you? You are nothing but cowardly bastards who can't have any normal female relationships. You are inept and without balls!
   Many of you in my opinion are attracted to other men, but again can't face reality so you rape a lady. Maybe she makes you think of your mother. You should spend life in prison, but no, our government who brags about our men and women, allows rape to continue every day and turns their backs. No wonder  we're so f---ed up! If we can't trust our government and the people who run it, how do we trust at all? Time to protest weekly at the white house? Change the law and prosecute this useless species!

Sunday, May 12, 2013


   The Red Cross or Opportunity Village . While both are useful and great organizations, one is worldwide and one is on the West Coast. That is unless Opportunity Village is all over, I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge concerning Opportunity Village. What I do know about this is, it is for those with developmental disabilities, always a good charity. I know. Some years back I worked in mental health which was involved in both the mental retardation aspects and mental health.
   Never have I had any personal experience with the Red Cross except when they came to the agency I worked for to have people donate blood. Yet in any disaster or crisis anywhere in the world, the Red Cross is there, to provide shelter, medical, food and clothing. Neither one in my opinion is more important except for scale. People are people and when a need arises, people are there weather it be, The Red Cross or The Opportunity Village.
   I love Trace Adkins, always hoping somehow he'll discover my songs, well poems because they are great and make this retired woman a little bit financially better off. When talking about his charity I do wish Trace would talk more about how The Red Cross affects many more and how far and wide, than just his own experience. Yet, Trace, please contact me to send you a few too cool songs like, I left Jesus on My Doorstep or I love Men in Plaid Wool Shirts.
   Penn Jillette's entertainment with his sidekick partner is beyond good. Little did I know much about him before The Apprentice and the more I watched him and listened to him, I was able to see past the magic. As he gave credit to his partner quite a few times and talks so sincerely about his charity and his kindness comes through with each segment, well all I can say is Penn, you're a winner.
   Men, two big men, I can only hope it's a draw. Because in my book you Two Big Men are on the same side.

Swordfish...Why Don't We....

    Okay so I didn't see it when I first came out, but that just lets me have a new perspective and appreciation of this fantastic movie. What an idea! Screwed up as it is, I have to side with...yeah Hugh Jackman in this. Near the end Vinny Barbarino, I mean John Travolta asks for the sake of the country would you kill one child and Hugh Jackman's answer is no. In a twisted way, just imagine if there were more like Gabriel in this movie played by Travolta.
    Our country would be secure of terrorists, and yet again at what price. I guess what I don't get is, if a write can conjure up such a movie/storyline, why can't and why wouldn't our own government do something very similar? Who, and where are the brains?
     So many people say, but it's just a movie, but it isn't. It started out as a thought for someone, became a story and finally a movie. Parts of this movie continue in our won country every time someone blows up people and places on American lands, so maybe this story is telling the US Government, why are we not stopping these people! If a movie Producer, story writer can come up with such devious plans to attack and undermine terrorists, why don't we? IS the answer simply we are more civilized so we can spare our own people to be blown to pieces any time a terrorist wants to, or is because our government doesn't have the financial resources?
     Yet our senators and congressman and women can simply ask for cash without explaining they use and take it out of a fund set up for their own expenses. Why do they get such treatment. No other job that I know of, gets a salary, a car to use, air transportation, lunches, dinners, a car, hotels paid for and cash. Why do they? They are doing a lousy job and still they get all of those benefits, plus a fantastic medical benefit and a pension of over seventy thousand if only in office a year. Social security?
       That was our own money we paid in to with additional money from our employers be saved with interest and now the government is calling it entitlements as if the government is giving it to us like welfare. But what about their "entitlements"? They take as if they are entitled without any explanation at all. Let's cut their entitlements. By the way, each and every president along the way allows this, and so do we with our votes. WHY?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Suicide, Good-Bye Kiddo

       I won't mention his name as that doesn't serve a purpose, because he is someones' son, a dad to a little boy and ex-boyfriend who was loved by many, and maybe he was a brother too. I don't know the family dynamics but only know he is dead. This morning he hanged himself and I don't know the details. I only know what is important is, he is no longer here, no longer here to be loved and to love others.
     This is the deepest kind of grief, to lose a child. I can only begin to imagine the depth of anguish his parents are going through, and how do you explain to a small child that daddy chose not to be here any more for you. Suicide is a selfish act, but more important is one of desperation when a person doesn't see a way out of whatever turmoil he or she is in.
     This young man, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two was some years back in a  school for kids with behavioral problems. He told someone he knew me and that I was a nice lady, that he remembered me because I was so nice. I didn't know him when he was introduced to me. All I thought about him was, he was a cute kid, trying hard to be a dad and  good boyfriend. Little did I know what he was fighting on the inside.
     As some time went on I learned of one of his demons and that alone was enough to let me know he shouldn't have children around until he was well, if he would become well. That school I mentioned,most kids do great there, but only because the ratio of men verses kids far outweigh a traditional school. With that, his issues were probably never deeply addressed and yet, I honestly don't know. I only know my experiences with kids in those schools and while they serve a purpose, it's temporary.
    This young man had so many years ahead of him. What a personality he had. From time to time I saw him but never went out to dinner, or had any sit-down talks. There never seemed to be a reason why. With him and his ex-girlfriend things appeared fine...until they moved in together. Then more of who he was really like came out and his issues. I won't knock him. I only wish I knew how we could prevent suicide more often than we do.
    Recently I saw someone had a bike day to raise funds to prevent suicide. If funds are to be raised, it should be to add more back into the Mental Health system. Too much has been cut. This is such a sad day. He was just a kid. Why didn't anyone see it coming? A last thought. Words are so important. You never know who you're talking to  even if it's a best friend, a spouse, a child what is really in their minds, so use your words carefully and kindly. Good-bye Kiddo

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ask Maggie, Everyday English

       She tells it like it is, keeping perspective and feeling in mind. With practical answers you can talk with her, to her from your home. Check out this easy to read site, has three short sections which you'll enjoy. While you're there, Check out her Kid Count Blog.
   Questions? Ask Maggie

Mother's Day Gift or Gifts?

       Holidays like this can be hard on the kids as well as the parents. For the parents the best gift is really knowing your grown children are health, happy and financially doing well. That's gift number one.
     Gift number two is going out to eat, talking and getting silly. Now if you're a mom who doesn't have many, "going out" clothes, then just get a couple of MTO's and hang at the house a while, watch a movie and laugh over ice cream.
     Gift number three is a gift card. Most grown-ups have everything they need after all, just look around their home. Their life with those kids is still very much present. But I don't know any parent who wouldn't appreciate a gift card, just a general gift card to use as they choose. If you're a grown-up kid who has plenty of money, offer to pay mom's rent or mortgage that month, a doctor bill or utility bill. That comes to mind because of a much older woman I know who is in a sad situation. I make it my business to buy a gift card once a month to a local market and she doesn't know who it is, but hopefully it carries her through a little bit.
      Another choice which I can't believe I almost forgot is a good old fashioned card. I love getting cards for my kids and they run anywhere from funny to sincere. It is that thought that counts.
     This mothers day will be very hard for  a friend of mine who lost her son and husband at the end of January. She will be sadly reminded of the emptiness of her son and with one surviving son he will be reminded of the emptiness of his father. So if you don't do or can't do anything for your mom, maybe due to loss, do something for someone else's mom.
    Happy Mother's Day and enjoy those memories .

Clean Car VS. Inspection

    You know your car is safe and will pass inspection, but if you just don't have any motivation to keep your car clean, the mechanic if dishonest will assume, dirty car/won't pass inspection. More cars that are kept clean are also better kept mechanically and mechanics know that.
   Now it's possible to have the dirtiest car in the world, but if a mechanic has to get in that car he or she, isn't going to like it and your wallet will feel it, so keep it clean and send a message to your mechanic that indeed you do take care of that car.
   Here is a way if you recently no longer have a mechanic, no matter what your age, call your Area Agency on Aging. They will suggest a few good people, fair and yes expensive, but honest to check out your car and keep it safely on the road, and if you're having issues that you can't clean your car, call a local church, call a high school and hire a kid or even a neighbor kid. It makes them feel worth while, trustworthy and kind of grownup. Cookies ? Better than money.

Money, Women and Men

        I just read an article that talks about how much smarter men are with money than women. One fact it didn't mention is, men still earn more in same positions than women and women are not allowed to reach those same positions. Yes, it is still a man's world, but women are catching up.
     Who is teaching females and males about money growing up? Moms and dads of course, but which parent has more working knowledge? Probably the working parent or the parent who is in charge of finances. Disagree? I understand why. I know of people today who both work, have kids and the father hides money from his wife while she spends extra from her check on groceries. He is investing in stocks for his future, the what ifs.
    So what about the parent who is a stay at home person? No paycheck, no insurance, no savings, no retirement account, no IRA, no workers comp, NOTHING. That person is simply delusional in the fact that their marriage will last forever.
     Both parents have to have income as a matter of having a safety net. Nothing is certain in this world. So how much do you save? Have you figured what it would cost you to live for a year? Surveys tell us people are to save for a three year plan without income. OMG!!!
    In the times we live in with outrageous rents and groceries and just day to day living how do people save? In the past few months I met a woman who is seventy-nine years old. Many feel old people have it made with retirement. Here's her story condensed. Her social security is 1179. a month. She lives with a daughter who doesn't help at all and this woman said, well she had a back surgery and is waiting for disability, yet this grown daughter won't life a finger to even help mom fill out paperwork of any kind. Mom had medical bills, still drives and with her income is supporting a grown daughter. Mom is also, to be honest helping her daughter's laziness as she told me this over a year ago about the back surgery. I don't know the details and haven't met her daughter and oh, she has a cat. So at what time in life was this woman ever told about investments?
    There are many more like her whose retirement every month is even less. What about moms on welfare and the fact that its' generational? Ladies, if you choose to be a stay at home mom or men a stay at home dad you better work on having a paycheck of some kind. Remember Daddy Day Care ? There's always a way. I wish someone told me.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ban The Butler, Hanoi Jane Fonda

     With the exception of Jane Fonda aka Hanoi Jane, I would see The butler. It has a great cast and why anyone would take a chance and put Hanoi Jane in this movie, blows me away. I do realize it, by a quick preview appears to favors African Americans and no problem there. Many movies are geared with certain casts with favorite actors and actresses, and this one looks very good. Oprah is a very good actress and the cast of celebrities to follow her in this is amazing, but why oh why, Hanoi Jane Fonda. Think I'll sit back and watch an old favorite, Coach Carter.

Ban Lisa Lampinelli, attacks Lou Ferrigno and Marlee Matlin

       I never thought of her as very funny anyway so no loss to me, but when I saw her recently on The apprentice as a guest her skit was so far below the belt, she should have been silenced and no longer allowed to appear at...well anywhere. There she stood, loud and proud making fun of and imitating the speech of Lou Ferrigno aka The Incredible Hulk who at one time appeared on The Apprentice as did Marlee Matlin also who has hearing/speech issues as does Lou Ferrigno.
       Excuse me for not remembering the correct term of those who are hearing and speech impaired. I do know neither Lou Ferrigno or Marlee Matlin refer to them selves in any way that conjures up being impaired.
    Lisa Lampinelli ? She is impaired more than anyone I know and not because she had the fat surgery but because she appears to behave as if she is a step or two above others in that she doesn't have to be sensitive to the ADA and why we have it.
     If you watched The Apprentice you would have noticed Penn Jilette face and heard him also agree how over the top she was, crossing the line concerning the comments about Lou and Marlee. Penn's charity is for kids with special disabilities. They grow into adults and I think he  should have talked to her before hand. She made fun of Donald Trumps hair, big deal, who doesn't and picked on Lisa Rehmi' being so thin, so what, but to go to that place of disabilities? What if someone did that to her family member. As far as being a comedienne, there wasn't anything funny about her act. People politely laughed so as not to be embarrassed. I never saw or heard anything from her that was funny. She is filthy, with a trash mouth and I'm sure, Casinos with any class acts would do so much better without someone who represents them attacking people with disabilities.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Maggieshelpcenter ? 7 .For a day? 25. a week !

 Check out that place. For seven bucks a day you get to chat issues with Maggie and or 25.00 for a week.  I have seen this site, been there and all looks good.   There are many places on line who want your credit card. This one I think just accepts pay pal and it's amost like you have a personal unseen friend, but someone who has the experience you need at those times in your life when you think, who can I talk to?
             From your home to Maggies, take a chance
It never hurts to look things over.

17yr.old MURDERS Soccer Coach

      With one punch to the temple, a sudden sucker punch, this almost eighteen year old killed a soccer, coach, Mr. Padillo in Utah. Mr. Padillo was assaulted before by kids and to what degree I don't know at this point, but he kept on trying, on and on he tried.
       Now comes this murderous kid who with anger and determination to hurt, also outweighing the coach, sucker punches him in the temple. His name is being protected. We just went through kids in Ohio who raped a girl and their names were published. This seventeen year old KILLED  a man, and maybe not intentionally, but he definitely did intend harm by the simple fact that he assaulted him, a sucker punch to the TEMPLE !
          He is a coward, a bully who now wants to be protected who murdered a man, a family man, a father, brother and son and as important a man who tried repeatedly to help kids like this coward.
      I can't help but think once again, this is the society we live in , but why and how has it come to this. This bullies' family will be thinking, my poor son, but he didn't mean it. Maybe true, but no excuses for that kind of temper that told that kid he has a right to do as he wants. It is the rights that laws, have given these kids, that lenient parents have given them, that loss of immigration control has given them, loss of religious freedoms have taken away, prayer in schools have been taken away. Why is it the rights of the wrong doers all appear to be on their side. What right did this coach have to be protected?

Children, Choices. Control and Parents

     I guess I could repeat it all again, but instead could you trip the link to Maggies blog. It's all about kids and to be honest I am trying to get the news of Kids Count by way of Maggies Blog, out there.
Who has control, who wants it and how to make your kids feel better and be happier.

Thank you...Hey it's almost Mothers Day, and next month Fathers day-why because you have kids you love and want them to be as happy, giving and just good people as possible.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Better Grilled Cheese 4 U & Kids, healthier

      About a year or so ago when visiting a friend in New York she made eggs on these small thin type breads. Now I know they are called thin bread rolls, round and thin. I love Stroehman, but Arnold's is good too and even better is any store brand, so much less expensive.
     The serving size is one sandwich roll, has 100 calories, 3 grams of sugar and 4 grams of protein. Now this is of course the brand I use, store brand. So a healthier way to make a grilled cheese is to start by using flatter breads   and cooking very slow.
    I do spray the pan, but also add a very small amount of butter just before the cheese is almost melted. On one slice of bread I use a tiny spread of B B Que sauce, my special ingredient in a few foods, one slice of cheese and of course slap together. Cook slowly and you have a tasty, low cal, healthier kind of grilled cheese. Of course you can add tomatoes for yourself or the kids if they like tomatoes.
     On the side of the plate, grapes and or make sweet potatoes. For two young children at lunch this will seem like a picnic, and the colors? Inviting.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Shop the NEW Doozybags

       Yes, the site is complete, cool, happy and welcoming for viewers and shoppers alike. Each week or twice weekly I will add more products, from bags to Records, albums, forty-fives and CD's. and just about anything considered miscellaneous.
      I gotta tell ya, it's jazzy, make me feel like celebrating !
Check it out anytime. Well now is a good time.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

ITCHY ? Raw Honey, Organic for sure

     I just had to share this as I know personally how it worked. Someone very close to me had an itchy scalp for over a year. No, no head lice, no bed bugs, no allergies which would affect this all year long itchy situation.
   So finally a trip to a local health food store brought about conversations and then the clerk asked if this person tried honey. The person said well, I'm allergic to bees but I do eat honey. The clerk said, I mean RAW ORGANIC HONEY.
Anything was worth a try and Raw organic honey seemed simple enough, so
with a suggestion of twice a day two teaspoons or tablespoons, (not sure) from that Friday evening to Monday morning waking up itch free in over a year, this became a HONEY of a problem solver.

See your own health food store for suggestions on amounts to take. Eczema? Any other itchy problems. How innocent and pure is honey? Give it a try. From the Pharmacy to the Farm, an expression used by my own neighboring health food store, Sonnewalds in Spring Grove pa.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I am Thankful...

     This morning I received an e mail from a person who I see as a friend as she does me, yet we haven't seen one another in about five years and she only lives an hour away. We vent to one another, celebrate and think things over to one another. At the end her email said, I am Thankful. Like many others I too have used that phrase. But we lead such busy lives we forget what others are going through and if we can help.
     About a week ago a much older woman stopped me, asking to talk to me outside. She explained her car trouble. I went to see her mechanic and asked if I can make arrangements to pay or pay part of it. He then told me, she just wants it fixed, a minute' oil leak which entails a lot of things having to come apart, and that it isn't  a need. The next day I took my car in for inspection and the owner took me outside to let me know that maybe I could buy that woman groceries. I did. I bought her a gift card at a local market asked the post lady to put in in her box, not saying it was me. Okay one thing done. What bothered me was this woman has a grown daughter living with her who doesn't help one bit. So is she just hoping mom dies and she'll get the house and car? What to do?
     Today I walked into a local convenience store and asked a young lady how things are going, knowing her situation. It's gone from bad to worse. What to do? In her situation, I do know I can find different kinds of help for her. So that's on my agenda for today and tomorrow before she becomes ill with all that has fallen on her.
       Then I think of my own grown kids as my friend said in that e mail. They never went through what I know many have gone through. Healthy, happy, bust with careers and families, friends and volunteering, from my children, I am thankful, so very, very Thankful.
     I am also thankful for what I have, where I've lived, people who I have known and befriended me, people who live close by me and have been like friends. For all of you I am thankful and I can't go on without mentioning, I am also thankful for three wise men who showed me as a young kid what real men are like. What a coincidence-or was it?

Flamingo Eventz, John & Tina Bruno

       I just visited this site again for about the fourth time, trying to look at my schedule and more, to attend one of their shows. John Bruno is one the the appraisers on Market Warriors and known as The Professor. His style of clothes, inflection in his voice, sense of humor and eclectic interests gain my attention. He is fair in his assessments and a respectful man concerned with treating dealers on a same level as he would expect to be treated.
       John's wife Tina is , I think owner of their business Flamingo Promotions LLC.
      You can, and I suggest should check out this business to possibly attend some of their shows, where John offers advice, does appraisals, and lectures, not all at one. While I have not attend a show yet as I just recently learned about this, I know I am going.
    Their web site is
    Another important link on their site is Price Miner. I started the process but it does cost 9.99 a month or 99. a year. Right now, not in my budget. But I know I will get it asap. When I watch Market Warriors, I notice the other Warriors quickly look up an item they want to buy and see immediately what it sells for. I can't say for sure it's Price Miner, but I do think it's at least one of their connections to getting a market value.
   Now do yourself  a favor and check out Flamingo Eventz and or Flamingo Productions
     If you live on The East Coast and take time to visit one of John and Tina's Promotions/lectures/appraisals, I am very sure you will enjoy the experience and education. What a great things to pass on to your children and grandchildren!
For sure a family event and by the way, bring a little cash and but something you love, John Bruno's first advice.

George Jones, He Was Country...


 ...when country wasn't cool. Shortly before George Jones died I was listening to a Barbara Mandrel song and in it, suddenly George Jones comes in with, yeah, I was country, when country wasn't cool. Boy do I love that song.
    I have quite a few George Jones LP's and I lay them often. Each time I pick an album up I look at the worn corners from handling them over the years. For many years I wouldn't listen to my favorite ever country singer. That happened one day when I was talking to my kids about listening to singers who lived such a demeaning life, drugs, women beaters, drunks, and I think at that time we wee specifically talking about a man who died and left a trail during his years as someone who allegedly abused little boys.
    During this conversation it was my daughter, backed up by my son who said, but mom, what about George Jones? YOU listen to his music all the time and he...and she listed his issues. I didn't have anywhere to go except t say, you're right. Okay I won't listen o him anymore. She pushed even further, and again my son smiling in agreement said, and not even on the radio, right?
    I answered not liking this truth ad said, yeah right, not even on the radio.It was always important for me to set as good example as possible being a single mom, to both of my children. So they were tucked away, for many, many years.
    Then one day, a Spring day as I was cleaning and alone in the house, I went through my records and there he was. In between Johnny Cash and Marty Robbins, leaning on Willie Nelson who was nudging Eddie Arnold, stood, guitar in hand, that smile and perfect hair, ready to be listened to once again. It was time. My kids now grown and on their own, I knew I kept my word long enough.
    The songs, Ya Gotta Hold on, White Lightening, Walk through This world with me,Who's Gonna fill their shoes, The Door, Golden Rings and of course a latter one that hit high on the charts, He Stopped Loving her today. That one I have on a 45 in mint condition.
    What bothers me most about his death is how that news seemed to remain silent. The most I heard was from Billy Ray Cyrus who was on the view, a show I rarely watch anymore, but as I flipped through and saw Billy, I only hoped he would say something about George. I had to leave a few minutes so I know I missed things, however why wasn't the death of George Jones as important as all of the young actors who sadly pass from drug overdoses. George cleaned his life up and sure, it came late, but you know what follows that, better late, than...
    So long George, sin me, I'm Not Ready Yet