Sunday, May 5, 2013

17yr.old MURDERS Soccer Coach

      With one punch to the temple, a sudden sucker punch, this almost eighteen year old killed a soccer, coach, Mr. Padillo in Utah. Mr. Padillo was assaulted before by kids and to what degree I don't know at this point, but he kept on trying, on and on he tried.
       Now comes this murderous kid who with anger and determination to hurt, also outweighing the coach, sucker punches him in the temple. His name is being protected. We just went through kids in Ohio who raped a girl and their names were published. This seventeen year old KILLED  a man, and maybe not intentionally, but he definitely did intend harm by the simple fact that he assaulted him, a sucker punch to the TEMPLE !
          He is a coward, a bully who now wants to be protected who murdered a man, a family man, a father, brother and son and as important a man who tried repeatedly to help kids like this coward.
      I can't help but think once again, this is the society we live in , but why and how has it come to this. This bullies' family will be thinking, my poor son, but he didn't mean it. Maybe true, but no excuses for that kind of temper that told that kid he has a right to do as he wants. It is the rights that laws, have given these kids, that lenient parents have given them, that loss of immigration control has given them, loss of religious freedoms have taken away, prayer in schools have been taken away. Why is it the rights of the wrong doers all appear to be on their side. What right did this coach have to be protected?

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