Thursday, May 2, 2013

ITCHY ? Raw Honey, Organic for sure

     I just had to share this as I know personally how it worked. Someone very close to me had an itchy scalp for over a year. No, no head lice, no bed bugs, no allergies which would affect this all year long itchy situation.
   So finally a trip to a local health food store brought about conversations and then the clerk asked if this person tried honey. The person said well, I'm allergic to bees but I do eat honey. The clerk said, I mean RAW ORGANIC HONEY.
Anything was worth a try and Raw organic honey seemed simple enough, so
with a suggestion of twice a day two teaspoons or tablespoons, (not sure) from that Friday evening to Monday morning waking up itch free in over a year, this became a HONEY of a problem solver.

See your own health food store for suggestions on amounts to take. Eczema? Any other itchy problems. How innocent and pure is honey? Give it a try. From the Pharmacy to the Farm, an expression used by my own neighboring health food store, Sonnewalds in Spring Grove pa.

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