Sunday, May 12, 2013

Swordfish...Why Don't We....

    Okay so I didn't see it when I first came out, but that just lets me have a new perspective and appreciation of this fantastic movie. What an idea! Screwed up as it is, I have to side with...yeah Hugh Jackman in this. Near the end Vinny Barbarino, I mean John Travolta asks for the sake of the country would you kill one child and Hugh Jackman's answer is no. In a twisted way, just imagine if there were more like Gabriel in this movie played by Travolta.
    Our country would be secure of terrorists, and yet again at what price. I guess what I don't get is, if a write can conjure up such a movie/storyline, why can't and why wouldn't our own government do something very similar? Who, and where are the brains?
     So many people say, but it's just a movie, but it isn't. It started out as a thought for someone, became a story and finally a movie. Parts of this movie continue in our won country every time someone blows up people and places on American lands, so maybe this story is telling the US Government, why are we not stopping these people! If a movie Producer, story writer can come up with such devious plans to attack and undermine terrorists, why don't we? IS the answer simply we are more civilized so we can spare our own people to be blown to pieces any time a terrorist wants to, or is because our government doesn't have the financial resources?
     Yet our senators and congressman and women can simply ask for cash without explaining they use and take it out of a fund set up for their own expenses. Why do they get such treatment. No other job that I know of, gets a salary, a car to use, air transportation, lunches, dinners, a car, hotels paid for and cash. Why do they? They are doing a lousy job and still they get all of those benefits, plus a fantastic medical benefit and a pension of over seventy thousand if only in office a year. Social security?
       That was our own money we paid in to with additional money from our employers be saved with interest and now the government is calling it entitlements as if the government is giving it to us like welfare. But what about their "entitlements"? They take as if they are entitled without any explanation at all. Let's cut their entitlements. By the way, each and every president along the way allows this, and so do we with our votes. WHY?

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