Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Prison or Poverty ?

     Do you believe most prisoners belong where they are and deserve how they live or exist in prisons? Personally it's is an individual thing since DNA has become a very important factor. But when a crime is proven, they absolutely belong where they are, in my opinion of course.
   Today I read a bit of an article about how unfair it is in prison. Well if so, they stay away from crimes. Be a good citizen and stop your whining! Man or woman enough to do the crime ? Now it's time to pay up you loser you. But oh wah, wah. Suddenly you are being treated unfairly and call it cruel and unusual punishment. Too bad you didn't think about that when, just before you decided to mug an old lady, or rape a defenseless woman or man.
    Crimes take thinking beforehand. Very few are just a sudden thought and even that doesn't excuse you. So now you poor sad person. You have television, computer used, a library, a gym, basketball, medical, dental, clothes, haircuts, free meals, an EDUCATION, college degree, and if you have health issues with diet specific issues or religious, you get fed accordingly. BULL CRAP!!! The Citizens of the United States are still your victims because we are now paying to house you. On top of that you get free access to lawyers!
   Cruel and unusual punishment? I'll tell you what's cruel and unusual punishments beside all of the victims of your crimes,  it's people who live in poverty mainly because of crime in these United states. Look at the paper trail of crime and what it cost. That money could be helping those who really need it. Instead we pay to support the DEA, any and all programs for Alcohol rehab, Firearms bought and sold illegally, Pimps and prostitution, teens having babies, illegal immigrants. Those people, illegal immigrants at least most of them cross the borders to try to have a job of any kind, to live a better life for themselves and families. No excuse, but a reason.
   See families here on welfare because they have too many kids and parts of welfare should be cut off, but then look at Welfare and men and women who have lost their jobs, give them more. Welfare recipients should be drug tested. Its a cycle. People in prisons continue to commit crimes, receive disability, steak from dead people, get retirement and unemployment.
    When is our government going to put their big feet down?

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