Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Westboro Baptist, Funerals & Freedoms

     Sometime last week my son and I had a chat about the "Freaks" of this so called church, Westboro Baptist. They were about to protest at another funeral. Yes others got together and let them know what would happen if they did-Cowards that they are never showed.We agreed with the fact that people have a right under the constitution to protest anywhere and for any reason in these wonderful Unites States of America-EXCEPT- Funerals, and even a few other situations. In other words, case by case.
     Funerals should be off limits for anyone to protest and I don't care what they think they're protesting, they're are disruptive to people who just lost a son or daughter, usually during the war. I can't even believe this is really a church.
    What about CHILDREN who participate in these protests? Can't those parents be charged with some kind of neglect. Look at the phrases on the signs in protests that they are teaching and allowing their children to use. So now we have kids learning this is free speech, so they take it to school and bam! Trouble, and now confusion for the child. In the principals office the child states, but I'm allowed to say FAG, I'm allowed to say...whatever else is written on these posters. Once again in protest, a parent comes to school and now a parent has to explain why it is only acceptable at funerals. Those No good, so called chucrh going hypocrites!
      Now you notice I didn't say Christians. Those hateful signs state God Hates....How do they know what God hates. I have learned over the Years God loves the sinner, as in Westboro Protestors, and hates the sin, again Westboro Protestors.
     AMEN !

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