Saturday, May 4, 2013

Better Grilled Cheese 4 U & Kids, healthier

      About a year or so ago when visiting a friend in New York she made eggs on these small thin type breads. Now I know they are called thin bread rolls, round and thin. I love Stroehman, but Arnold's is good too and even better is any store brand, so much less expensive.
     The serving size is one sandwich roll, has 100 calories, 3 grams of sugar and 4 grams of protein. Now this is of course the brand I use, store brand. So a healthier way to make a grilled cheese is to start by using flatter breads   and cooking very slow.
    I do spray the pan, but also add a very small amount of butter just before the cheese is almost melted. On one slice of bread I use a tiny spread of B B Que sauce, my special ingredient in a few foods, one slice of cheese and of course slap together. Cook slowly and you have a tasty, low cal, healthier kind of grilled cheese. Of course you can add tomatoes for yourself or the kids if they like tomatoes.
     On the side of the plate, grapes and or make sweet potatoes. For two young children at lunch this will seem like a picnic, and the colors? Inviting.

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