Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chris Brown's Artsy Views

     Yes, one of many comments and who cares, right? His neighbors care, that's who. But I don't care because it's his home and who has a right to tell him what to do on his own home. This is America. If you don't want to worry about a person painting Graffiti on their home, then you move! Go to a secluded property. If you live where he lives you can afford it!
    I am sick of neighbors being so critical about another persons property. I know, I've been there. My issues were however different. I bought a small home to raise my children in and from the first day was asked, then told I was the only single lady on the block. From there it progresses to how long I let my grass grow.
   Did anyone, one person ask, can I help? No, Not at all. These good Christan neighbors were only concerned about how things "LOOKED"! They also didn't just come over with a mowing tractor and mow out of the goodness of their Christian hearts. But what they did do, one lady in particular was complain to the township! Thank you KElly F.
    First I got a call about how long my grass was. I explained my situation to no avail.(Medical) After that phone call which I found out was not an ordinance, about the length of grass, I went to sit down at my living room window. Guess who I saw next? It was a township car slowly cruising past my home, almost stopping and I see this nosey woman taking in every blade. She was the same woman who told me who the nice lady was who reported my grass and followed it up with a letter. That same lady also worked in the township building.
    I waited about seven minutes and then called the township. After telling her who I was, I asked what right does she have to snoop in a township, taxpayer car. Now get this.She said, well I wasn't snooping, I was just driving by on my way home from lunch. LIAR! I told her-no you had to go out of your way to come into this development(with a dead-end street) and drive past my home on an opposite side of the street. It ended with me telling her, I'll mow when I can afford it and am well enough.
   I have to say I ended up spiting people by letting it grow about four feet high.
That was a funny day. When this guy came to mow, the type of mower he used looked like a  helicopter coming over  the mountain on MASH and boy did neighbors come out to watch. I couldn't believe it. They never came out to ask if I was okay, if I needed help, could they do something. No, just to either look or complain, and right across the street lived a church Choir directer who also stood outside with wife and kids to stare at the great mowing!
   By the way, my issues at the time was, I just had a second back surgery , about to have a third and of course finances. I had a deep slope so no, I wouldn't let my very young children mow either. I was new to this area and that time set the stage for me in knowing who my neighbors really are, so leave Chris Brown alone. It's paint. That's all it is and unless he just wants to annoy with Graffiti, who cares? Live your life and let him live his, and just maybe, walk over and let him know how artistic you find his art. He does paint more than just that you know. Be more concerned with what's on the inside of your heart than the outside of his home.
  A last note here. I have become friendly with a neighbor immediately next door to me and very nice friends with one family who came here from another part of the state. I hired their boys to mow for me:) But that last family have always been there for me if I needed and even when I didn't. Now that's a neighbor!

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