Thursday, May 9, 2013

Money, Women and Men

        I just read an article that talks about how much smarter men are with money than women. One fact it didn't mention is, men still earn more in same positions than women and women are not allowed to reach those same positions. Yes, it is still a man's world, but women are catching up.
     Who is teaching females and males about money growing up? Moms and dads of course, but which parent has more working knowledge? Probably the working parent or the parent who is in charge of finances. Disagree? I understand why. I know of people today who both work, have kids and the father hides money from his wife while she spends extra from her check on groceries. He is investing in stocks for his future, the what ifs.
    So what about the parent who is a stay at home person? No paycheck, no insurance, no savings, no retirement account, no IRA, no workers comp, NOTHING. That person is simply delusional in the fact that their marriage will last forever.
     Both parents have to have income as a matter of having a safety net. Nothing is certain in this world. So how much do you save? Have you figured what it would cost you to live for a year? Surveys tell us people are to save for a three year plan without income. OMG!!!
    In the times we live in with outrageous rents and groceries and just day to day living how do people save? In the past few months I met a woman who is seventy-nine years old. Many feel old people have it made with retirement. Here's her story condensed. Her social security is 1179. a month. She lives with a daughter who doesn't help at all and this woman said, well she had a back surgery and is waiting for disability, yet this grown daughter won't life a finger to even help mom fill out paperwork of any kind. Mom had medical bills, still drives and with her income is supporting a grown daughter. Mom is also, to be honest helping her daughter's laziness as she told me this over a year ago about the back surgery. I don't know the details and haven't met her daughter and oh, she has a cat. So at what time in life was this woman ever told about investments?
    There are many more like her whose retirement every month is even less. What about moms on welfare and the fact that its' generational? Ladies, if you choose to be a stay at home mom or men a stay at home dad you better work on having a paycheck of some kind. Remember Daddy Day Care ? There's always a way. I wish someone told me.

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