Thursday, May 16, 2013

America Needs To...Answers

    Come to terms that we are not doing better. Like a blender we are a nation of immigrants but that shouldn't mean we allow people amnesty for ten years who came here illegally, so do what's needed and close the borders. But I know if that does happen the business of immigration will be so much less and the DEA will not need as many security guards and drug dogs, all equaling money.
    Farmers in California want the immigrants because of low pay. Here's my answer to that. We had or have civil service when young men and women wanted to go overseas to help in impoverished countries. So why not do that here, but in another way.
   High School and college students in their last years of programs should have to do internships in community services, but get paid the same as the Immigrants were/are being paid. If it starts in high school the purpose it serves is an OMG, if I don't do better this is my life. Maybe start that in the third year of high school.
   DRUGS-Those who are picked up for drug trafficking will serve time in the fields. They will receive credit for time served depending on how well they perform the duties of picking fruits and vegetables. If they don't show, they go to a local jail/reform program and then are taken to the fields.
   Drug Addicts-okay we don't want them puking on the crops, so the first thirty-ninety days in jail or a program and then field time, or work in food banks, or missions, cleaning streets, toilets etc. to show them where their life is going.
   Pimps-First timers. One year in jail.
   Prostitutes- six months in jail and six months working in fields.
This same type of work can work across the criminal board.
  Make the crime work. Kids also need criminal punishment. Lets start with having them work in the school they are in as part of a work/giving back program. They can also receive a certain amount of credit when they do extra well.
     We're not doing better. Too many are still on family generational welfare, food stamps, medical. Yes, I know many need it, but when I see a single young man or woman, without children or responsibilities other than self support leaning on the government, when they could be working two jobs, they too need some field jobs. If they tell a caseworker, but I can't find a job, That caseworker should say, well we have a cleaning job for you...and of course the client answer will be, oh no I can't do that. The caseworker answer should be a one time, no second chances, oh honey I understand and as she watches the smile come across the clients face, simply tell them, case closed.

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