Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mother's Day Gift or Gifts?

       Holidays like this can be hard on the kids as well as the parents. For the parents the best gift is really knowing your grown children are health, happy and financially doing well. That's gift number one.
     Gift number two is going out to eat, talking and getting silly. Now if you're a mom who doesn't have many, "going out" clothes, then just get a couple of MTO's and hang at the house a while, watch a movie and laugh over ice cream.
     Gift number three is a gift card. Most grown-ups have everything they need after all, just look around their home. Their life with those kids is still very much present. But I don't know any parent who wouldn't appreciate a gift card, just a general gift card to use as they choose. If you're a grown-up kid who has plenty of money, offer to pay mom's rent or mortgage that month, a doctor bill or utility bill. That comes to mind because of a much older woman I know who is in a sad situation. I make it my business to buy a gift card once a month to a local market and she doesn't know who it is, but hopefully it carries her through a little bit.
      Another choice which I can't believe I almost forgot is a good old fashioned card. I love getting cards for my kids and they run anywhere from funny to sincere. It is that thought that counts.
     This mothers day will be very hard for  a friend of mine who lost her son and husband at the end of January. She will be sadly reminded of the emptiness of her son and with one surviving son he will be reminded of the emptiness of his father. So if you don't do or can't do anything for your mom, maybe due to loss, do something for someone else's mom.
    Happy Mother's Day and enjoy those memories .

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