Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I am Thankful...

     This morning I received an e mail from a person who I see as a friend as she does me, yet we haven't seen one another in about five years and she only lives an hour away. We vent to one another, celebrate and think things over to one another. At the end her email said, I am Thankful. Like many others I too have used that phrase. But we lead such busy lives we forget what others are going through and if we can help.
     About a week ago a much older woman stopped me, asking to talk to me outside. She explained her car trouble. I went to see her mechanic and asked if I can make arrangements to pay or pay part of it. He then told me, she just wants it fixed, a minute' oil leak which entails a lot of things having to come apart, and that it isn't  a need. The next day I took my car in for inspection and the owner took me outside to let me know that maybe I could buy that woman groceries. I did. I bought her a gift card at a local market asked the post lady to put in in her box, not saying it was me. Okay one thing done. What bothered me was this woman has a grown daughter living with her who doesn't help one bit. So is she just hoping mom dies and she'll get the house and car? What to do?
     Today I walked into a local convenience store and asked a young lady how things are going, knowing her situation. It's gone from bad to worse. What to do? In her situation, I do know I can find different kinds of help for her. So that's on my agenda for today and tomorrow before she becomes ill with all that has fallen on her.
       Then I think of my own grown kids as my friend said in that e mail. They never went through what I know many have gone through. Healthy, happy, bust with careers and families, friends and volunteering, from my children, I am thankful, so very, very Thankful.
     I am also thankful for what I have, where I've lived, people who I have known and befriended me, people who live close by me and have been like friends. For all of you I am thankful and I can't go on without mentioning, I am also thankful for three wise men who showed me as a young kid what real men are like. What a coincidence-or was it?

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