Friday, May 10, 2013

Suicide, Good-Bye Kiddo

       I won't mention his name as that doesn't serve a purpose, because he is someones' son, a dad to a little boy and ex-boyfriend who was loved by many, and maybe he was a brother too. I don't know the family dynamics but only know he is dead. This morning he hanged himself and I don't know the details. I only know what is important is, he is no longer here, no longer here to be loved and to love others.
     This is the deepest kind of grief, to lose a child. I can only begin to imagine the depth of anguish his parents are going through, and how do you explain to a small child that daddy chose not to be here any more for you. Suicide is a selfish act, but more important is one of desperation when a person doesn't see a way out of whatever turmoil he or she is in.
     This young man, maybe twenty-one or twenty-two was some years back in a  school for kids with behavioral problems. He told someone he knew me and that I was a nice lady, that he remembered me because I was so nice. I didn't know him when he was introduced to me. All I thought about him was, he was a cute kid, trying hard to be a dad and  good boyfriend. Little did I know what he was fighting on the inside.
     As some time went on I learned of one of his demons and that alone was enough to let me know he shouldn't have children around until he was well, if he would become well. That school I mentioned,most kids do great there, but only because the ratio of men verses kids far outweigh a traditional school. With that, his issues were probably never deeply addressed and yet, I honestly don't know. I only know my experiences with kids in those schools and while they serve a purpose, it's temporary.
    This young man had so many years ahead of him. What a personality he had. From time to time I saw him but never went out to dinner, or had any sit-down talks. There never seemed to be a reason why. With him and his ex-girlfriend things appeared fine...until they moved in together. Then more of who he was really like came out and his issues. I won't knock him. I only wish I knew how we could prevent suicide more often than we do.
    Recently I saw someone had a bike day to raise funds to prevent suicide. If funds are to be raised, it should be to add more back into the Mental Health system. Too much has been cut. This is such a sad day. He was just a kid. Why didn't anyone see it coming? A last thought. Words are so important. You never know who you're talking to  even if it's a best friend, a spouse, a child what is really in their minds, so use your words carefully and kindly. Good-bye Kiddo

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