Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sex & Siblings ?

     I know. It's a disgusting title but I wanted something to get your attention. This is serious. Recently I found out and I have heard about this before but didn't pay as much attention to this fact: How many times does a man marry, have children, move so often that the siblings have different last names and don't know of other half-siblings existence.That man or men don't want to tell the new family that they have completely abandoned kids on the Eats Coast, or West Coast, or the Midwest, so they start anew, leaving children all over.
    Besides that, what about families who get spilt up due to foster care and adoption. Adoptive parents no longer have to have sibling contact and most don't because they want their new children to "move on."
    A few years ago a young man stopped by to do some work, said he was getting married soon. Marriage came, and back to work. At the after party he found out the young lady he married was his cousin. Because of names changes, family moving, re marriages he never knew just how close he and his new wife were. They did decide to remain married but won't have children.
     My point is, people, stop jumping into bed with someone you have just met or only had a few dates with. Know them, really know them, background, family history, adoption, foster care, single parents? You really need that information.
      I learned of a half sibling when I was about nineteen and so many years later find out that one brother out of six, happened to be born two months apart from another brother. Parents hide secrets because they don't want to admit to mistakes. Then there are the parents who simply never marry so kids take on either the fathers name or the mothers name. Years pass and they  separate and move. One parent take the son, another the daughter...I could go on with all kinds of examples. Please be careful and parents, you'll get more from your kids by telling them at appropriate times and ages those kinds of secrets. They have a right to know...or do you want them bring a sibling home to marry, after they've already been having sex?

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