Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fat? Medical & Mental Differences

     I call it as I see it and I have the experience. Off and on this last year according to what was happening in my life, I either over ate, ate just right, indulged too much with ice creams, friend and snacks ( only one night) or I ate sensibly and drank so much water.
     What I noticed is the mental effects of overeating as well as the medical side. Sure many say it's just mind over matter and if that works for you, go to it. If most really took the time to explore what's in our foods, we would only buy what grows naturally, well plant based. Need protein? Study, read, learn and ask questions. You don't need to go to health food stores, but for information, it's worth a trip. Need a second opinion, see an osteopathic doctor. What a world of difference.
      This last week I have changed what I usually eat to sweet potatoes, quinoa and vegetables, hard boiled eggs and ice milk for a sweet touch. I mixed the quinoa with the vegetables which were frozen and some baked chicken I made a day before, cutting it into small pieces. If you need more flavor, add a tine bit of Paprika, cinnamon or no fat dressing, or if you like more spice, pick your favorite.
    What I can say as fact is ninety percent of my pain in both shoulders is gone as is the horrible pain in my hands. WHY ? Because I forgot how good mentally and physically I felt when I did plant based eating last year. I have rotator cuff impingement in both shoulders and carpel tunnel in both hands. This change with water and food is like medicine and I didn't need a doctor at all to let me know the effects are positive.
   Many people hear drink a lot of water and say, no I can't. So did I. But when it came to me knowing I needed to feel better, the water did it. I fill a twenty ounce plastic glass, add some ice and drink. I watch TV or on my PC and before I knew it, I filled up again. I did this between two and three hours apart. Better than adding potato chips to my heart. Now when I eat, I tell myself, oh yeah, this is the good heart food. Find your own message and use it. It all helps.

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