Monday, May 13, 2013

Military RAPISTS & Obama-PERVERSION Within

    This has been on ongoing assault of American women serving in the military and being ignored for generations. The Inspector General when received reports of the offenses, states he has higher priorities. Women, good military women have had to leave the service, the only way to have a life of some kind of safety.
    The military does not like to prosecute people, especially friends who sexually assault others. THEY ARE SEXUAL PREDATORS, who belong on MEgans list.
    One service man has been doing this for ten years and still has not been prosecuted. Listening to these women and some congressional people who are telling them they understand, yet do little makes me wonder about President Obama. What if this was one or both of his daughters in the military, was assaulted and were told you are not allowed to sue the Military and it gets swept under the rug. This is about every President who allows this. This is about congress and no wonder they get away with what they do.  Anyone who turns their backs on this problem is nothing but a sexual predator in disguise.

     Why is the military exempt from lawsuits? I say it's because they know the perversion within. They would go broke. We tell men to stand up and behave like men. IS this how to behave? Rape a women and run, and then  have other men protect you? You are nothing but cowardly bastards who can't have any normal female relationships. You are inept and without balls!
   Many of you in my opinion are attracted to other men, but again can't face reality so you rape a lady. Maybe she makes you think of your mother. You should spend life in prison, but no, our government who brags about our men and women, allows rape to continue every day and turns their backs. No wonder  we're so f---ed up! If we can't trust our government and the people who run it, how do we trust at all? Time to protest weekly at the white house? Change the law and prosecute this useless species!

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