Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Meds, Better Buys

     DO not buy your medicine as soon as you get your prescription, unless of course you need it. Here are some things to do to get a better buy:
  1.    Go home and make three calls to the favorite three pharmacies you deal with. Have a pen and paper in hand.
  2.     If a new script, only get a few of  that one filled , letting them know you don't want to pay for a whole prescription, when in fact it may have a side effect and not agree with you. (side note) Recently I had a script filled and before hand asked the doc about side effects. He brushed me off and said, nah...well I bout the whole thing and the side effect was it made me so sleepy, I napped way too much.
  3.    Ask for generic.
  4.    Ask for delivery. They may not do it twice for a same script filled with just a few pills, but it's worth it.
  5.    Once you found a better pharmacy that isn't trying to steal the last penny you have, ask you doctor to make any future scripts in doubles and explain why. Then ask him to have his office call in to your favorite pharmacy.
     Good Luck with the pharmacies and your doctor, oh a last thought, ask your Parmacy if they have discounts, either for age or new meds.

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