Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Doesn't Every American Billionaire Donate to...

       I'm sure some of us were impressed with Zuckerberg who donated one hundred million to Newark New Jersey. That will put that city back in the black. Go Zuckerberg!!!  So why aren't other millionaires and billionaires doing the same I ask? Maybe they are but spreading it around in different ways. Maybe building schools in other countries. Why not spend what you earn here, right here in America? Who I am to say such a thing. An American that's who. My son mentioned that the woman who built those schools for girls did a great thing, and yes I agree, but still, doesn't America need the same?

       Now some people forget this is also a huge tax deduction and yeah I may sound like I'm taking credit away, but I'm not. There are many hard things in life that happen to people and suddenly we are asked to donate to a kids college fund.
WE ARE AMERICA! College and Health Care should be free, but no I do not want a socialist country as it looks like we are headed with Obama. Back to this collecting for kid a whose parent dies and we are asked to donate money to a fund. BE CAREFUL. Anyone who is a policeman, fireman, politician, any high paying career where they have earned a good salary, the child will get death benefits until eighteen or twenty two if in college. That child has the same chance for college loans and grants as any other child, weather a parent is alive or not. Actually if a single parent that child will get more since the household income has changed, plus still getting death benefits if in college.

         I have to mention Donald Trump of course. What he is now doing with APPRENTICE is wonderful. No matter where the contestant is in his/her place, they end up getting a job. Donald Trump is putting jobs back in AMERICA. DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT! Let's take back AMERICA! Yes, I know Trump will probably never run, but we need a no nonsense man who won't take National Prayer Day out of AMERICA, one who will reinforce our AMERICAN TROOPS, MAkE decisions to empower America again, and STOP AMERICAN COMPANIES from going overseas. If AMERICAN COMPANIES leave the country , they SHOULD NOT BE ALOWED TO SELL THAT PRODUCT TO AMERICA. To me it just feels like they are being traitors. Business?no, GREED!
        Let's Rebuild AMERICA!

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