Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dear Mr. Vitalo ch 8.Part 1

Childhood Memories, One More Wish

   Wax looking, red delicious apples
Chiquita yellow, Sunkist orange and
Goose bump fuzzy peaches
Ma ! Hurry, hurry
Clippity-clop, clippity-clop
Domenic’s vegetable and Victor
With blinders on, proud with his golden main
And thick tail, clippity -clop
Fading off, ten -cents a pound!

Sitting on stoops, large cements blocks of white
Pretending it was my stallion
War games, helmets of green, broom sticks for guns
Hiding angry ten-year old boys
Pow ! Bang ! Got em’
Circles of friends playing marbles
Green cats eyes gone mad
Little girls playing jacks, jump rope
And hopscotch, I win! I win!

Not a care in the world, only a wish,
A wish for one more dance
Adolescent yearning, a crush
An eighth grade dance
Autumn- colored dress of gold’s, red, and brown
Butterflies in my stomach, the sun shining
Dizzy with glee, knowing he’d be there
Praying he’d be there
A perspirant-filled room
Now transformed into a ballroom
Ablaze with color, red, yellow, green and blue balloons
Yucky boys, now handsome men in suits-
Wearing old spice, and aqua velvet
Tomboys now dazzling in earrings , heels
Up do hair, and shapely dresses.

The music, the music remains, forever
Sillohouette on The Shade, a great song
With a yellow rose he was before me
Bowing, may I have this dance?
Yes! Oh Yes!
My Principal’s old-fashioned wool jacket
Gently brushing my neck
With flecks of pink to match his tie
Dancing, dancing, the music,
 Over too soon, much too soon
My crush was sealed forever

Walking home, the yellow rose still
Held tightly, picking the fragrant petals
He loves me, he loves me not, He loves me
Oh, If I could only have one more dance!
Mr. V.
Written prior to re-meeting him again in 97

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