Saturday, December 18, 2010

He heard me say...

       I can't believe this! For only a few seconds I gazed around looking at men I never met and one I knew,a little kid I just met, and a kid who lives with me. We were all in my basement. Even now I can't believe how it ended today. These men are Christians, much like  a family I met years ago who you know are Christians by the way the are, not by what they say. The father of that family was one of the men who were here today. They came to put a water heater in, but for me it was much more. I never heard anyone ever say to me, now we I heard once before which made me feel that being a Christian was conditional. That and seeing my own family with a million dollar brother who is a Pastor also behave in a conditional manner. But today the actions of three men brought me back to three men I knew as a kid.

       Those other three men didn't know one another until I told them at different times how each one became important and were there for me to talk to as a very young teen. I had Mr. Vitalo from nine to three every day, Pastor don on Sundays and sometimes Wednesday nights if I was allowed to go to youth studies, and Mr. korsun, my neighbor who lived up the street. Mr Korsun I saw just about every day when I was walking my baby brother.

         Now these guys, or men I should say were plain and simple nice guys. It's the first time I've been around a few guys working that I didn't hear any swearing, crude remarks, but simple a friendly chat and still joking around. Watching them I could not stand and do nothing, or even leave and go upstairs until finished. I had to pitch in too. It's what we're meant to do if we physically are able, and today I was. Right now I'm not. I am as sore as if someone, some ten, beat me up, but it's a good feeling and no I don't want to get beat up, ya dummy!

          My basement started to leak over two years ago and I didn't have any idea as I stopped going downstairs for certain reasons. When I did, I can't begin to tell you what a dangerous mess I had. It overwhelmed me and nothing ever did that to me. No matter what situation  came about I felt I could and would manage it, but this? This was beyond me. It would cost I'm sure about three thousand dollars to clean, tear down walls, haul away, and replace the water heater, maybe more.
          I'm still not able to really voice my gratitude, and financially; well, even that is beyond my scope of comprehension after a chat I had with two of these men. During this clean-up as I was glancing around I said to myself but out loud in what I thought was a soft voice, I can't believe this! One man needed a light, the other guy said I'll get one, then they needed a shop vac and one guy said I'll go get mine. No complaints, no , oh what are we going to do now, just solving one  problem after another without moaning and groaning. I used to work like that and it sure felt good to be with those positive people again. So anyway this guy comes over to me smiling, asked, you can't believe what? All I could answer was, you heard that?
              Then the men kidded about how he hears everything-yes HE does. To be a Witness is to be an example, not so much a mouthpiece, and today the examples came to me in three-again! Thank You.

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