Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Contin/Colgan airlines outsource lives#3407

           Tonight, right now I am listening to what I don't believe, and I can say now, if I didn't want to fly before this program, I really don't want to fly now. I am watching PBS/Frontline, and hearing about how Continental outsources to Colgan airlines.

          In February 2009 Colgan/Continental crashed because not of pilot error as a number one crime, but because Colgan and Continental didn't do their jobs in background checks, resulting in pilot error. On top of that both pilot and co-pilot were tired. The co-pilot flew at least twice the day of her last flight, knew she needed sleep and stated according to the black box, she couldn't afford a hotel. She flew a year before to gain experience?

            The PILOT IS WHO AMAZES ME... Colgan did not do their work and should lose their business. That pilot had five strikes against him, failed many tests, had only 618 hours of flying to become a pilot, half of what is needed. Colgan airline with a snap of a finger gives promotions like I dye my hair. If you are tired or sick, Colgan will tell you according to a former employee, you are then stuck where you are, but we can change the records, shorten your time so you can get home-all according to a former employee.

        REGIONAL CARRIERS -which is what they are know as ! Make sure you ask when you book a flight, if you are getting the true airline carrier or  a regional carrier. The contracts read-code share carriers are responsible for anything that goes wrong. So should a small carrier contract with Continental, crash, Continental is not responsible, but the small carrier is. The big airlines make this so in contracts. In addition these planes have the contracted airlines  name all over it, in the seat, on your tickets, on your baggage, anywhere which looks like it is the carrier you called and booked your flight with, or I should say booked your life with!
      Who is regulating your life? Ask . It's your life. The FAA has less than 4000 inspectors and over 20, 000 fliers a day.
                    Value Jet, safety issues-1996 flight 592 Miami. 110 people-another company known for problems with safety.
   Mr. Pena  stood immediately after the crash and stated how safe Value jet is. Would he say that if his son or family member died that day?

    THE Q-400 ANOTHER COLGAN PLANE WHICH CRASHED IN BUFFALO- another trip, Colgan was short on pilots, more warnings in 2008 about this company-they have to calculate weight and was over the limit, was told to list three adults as children, refused, and his manifest was taken away and altered by someone else.
     This program should be on every day at all hours so more people will see and hear in disbelief. All to save money and lose lives. Why is Colgan not closed down? Maybe they are right now, but worth asking  or checking into
this corporate culture. The report I am watching was sent to Washington for an investigation and months later it was 3407 that crashed in addition to other crashes which caused this investigation. The owner of Colgan was in Washington at the senate hearings. Randy Babbett is the FAA in charge and talking doublespeak saying, things are already in action before we did anything, really? Sounds good doesn't it? We know Washington...and they know money and power. Let's put Colgan out of business and even Continental by not using them. It's an industry problem. Drastic, sure, but aren't 110 people worth it?
      Look for the Life of a REGIONAL PILOT on PBS

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