Tuesday, December 7, 2010


    It's getting closer and closer.  Don't wake up next to someone who only "loves" you to fill their own selfish need, someone who wasn't there before and won't be after.
    New Years Eve as well as Christmas are supposed to be the lonliest times of the year, and I agree they can be. But if you don't have anyone to go out with and be with safely, without a day after regret, then be your own best friend. There isn't anything wrong with spending time with you. Who made the rules anyway? Men, that's who. No this is not a bash against men, but since time began men started businesses and selling alcohol is still a big business for men. Do not get "LOOPED" into it. How many guys think hook-up during the holidays, and yes women too, but usually with thinking, I may find Mr. Right which is wrong.
     Please don't meet a guy in a haze.If you don't know him now you won't later. Guys too, this is also for you. There are a lot of women out there who will go with aguy simply for company, fill a lonley need, buy some drinks and even think no one else wants him, maybe he's my ever after guy. That's because you are all drinking and that means you forget to think how you would in other situations. Would you still see that same lady if you weren't drinking?
         Don't forget about diseases and pregnancy. Do you want to end up with an eighteen year tax deduction?

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