Monday, December 13, 2010

The Christmas Puppy, NIck

  This little guy turned a year old in November. He's a shih tzu and I named him Nick, thinking we'd have a long time together. I just had him fixed and all his shots, so one nice healthy puppy. Well for reasons I don't want to get into Nick couldn't stay. I wished I could say different, but as it turned out, I put him on Craigslist, and five people immediately answered. I picked the second one, no reason, maybe I just like the number two. The lady told me she lost her female dog recently and was anxious to have a new pup. She wanted to know how he was with kids and cats. Well that depends on the kids and the cats too.
                          I don't have cats, but I did have a young boy, so I could only answer that in a certain way. She came to my home as soon as she could and saw Nick, held him, and I saw Nick too, happy and comfortable as if he was with her already for a long time. She took his crate, food, records and off they went. Nick didn't even say good-bye, yet I knew he was going to be a very happy and loved pup. Merry Christmas Nick.

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