Friday, December 3, 2010


         How many barking dogs have you heard? Can't count them all I bet. Look at the W's of the barking, who, why, what ,and when do they bark? Now look at little barking kids, okay so not exactly the same, but that is what kids are doing. They are barking because they want your attention. They are say, what about me, look at me, love me, pay attention to me, I'm just as important as whatever is going on. That's it plain and simple. Why and how do kids usually start out going wrong? Is it because the parents or parents in their lives have more important things to do?

 No,  but because they do have important things to do, things which have to be done in order to make a life for the family, things kids just don't get, and they feel entitled to have as much, and as equal time as what or who you, as an adult are giving to those necessary things, such as work.

         So what do we do? The best that we can. Let them know over and over how everything is needed, and adults remember this too; at some point no matter how good or bad we raise our children, at some point they will do what they will do, and may even end up blaming you. Isn't that easier?

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