Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Mr.V. Christmas ch.6

           It was getting colder and colder. Christmas was almost here and most kids were excited as usual. I always had mixed feelings about Christmas. In my family like many, it meant drinking and that was the part I hated. The part I loved most of course was going to church, Zion Lutheran, for the Christmas party held by the Norwegian ladies, as well as Christmas services. I also really liked having new pajama's on Christmas Eve, seeing my aunt Greta and my Gram. My Gram Fanny died some years ago while I was in the home I am now living in. I sure loved her and aunt Greta. They were just plain sweet, except Gram could be mean in her honesty, but never towards me. She hated to see how my little brother treated me or any siblings in the family, so she was in my corner. I'm sure you know how that feels, like protective parents are supposed to be.
         As Christmas is approaching, I see Mr. Vitalo outside walking, pacing in the cold in his old brown pin-striped suit. He yelled at me, Mac, hurry up inside, it's cold out here! He had his suit jacket collar up, arms folded inside each other, and no gloves. I don't know what I was thinking, but the next day I took my older brother's winter coat to school and sneaking in earlier, I put it on Mr. Vitalos' chair with a pair of gloves inside the pockets, then ran down the other side of steps and outside to come in the usual way so Mr. V. would see me. He did, waved me on in to school. After the second bell, some kid came to my home room and told my teacher. Mrs. Cavenaugh, Mr. Vitalo wants to see Nancy. Nancy? He called me Nancy? uh oh.

             In I walked and Mr. Vitalo had the coat hung around his shoulders, and the gloves hanging off his finger tips. He looked at me with a  grimace mixed with a smile and then a straight face. I didn't know what to think. Very quickly he said, did you put this coat in my office and if so why? No Mac, no name, nothing? Like I was just everyone else. Looking down I answered, yes. Then he said it, why Mac?
I asked him how he knew it was me and he told me I didn't know how to really be sneaky, so I should never even try again-ever! Seems Mr. Hazel the secretary saw me. So I had to explain that I thought he didn't have a winter coat or gloves so I took my  brothers'. Mr. Vitalo asked me if I thought it was okay for my brother to be cold. See, he never just dropped things, but needed to explore so kids would learn. So I told him we had loads of coats and we always wore each others. I still have a favorite coat in my mind. It used to be called a "boy coat". It was double breasted and navy blue. I never buttoned it no matter how cold or how much snow we got, I just loved wearing it. More about that coat later.
           Well Mr. Vitalo walked over to me, got very close, and I got very, well very nervous, but he just smiled and said, Mac, see that coat hook, and that long brown coat. DID I? It was just like my blue boy coat but his was tan! Why didn't I see that before? Well we talked some more, and I ended up taking my brothers' coat and gloves back home which was harder getting in than out.. As I looked past one door in the house thinking it was all clear,a big hand reached out and grabbed the coat. It was Bobby. He was okay with it after I not only explained but had to make him four peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and pour a quart of milk as well as comb his hair. I couldn't wait to get to school the next day and tell Mr. Vitalo. He sure made my life better, just knowing I had someone special to talk to and trust.

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