Thursday, December 23, 2010

Friendships...How to End Things

        Are you a person who likes to end things when you know you should, so you take the chicken way out? Pick an argument, or do something that will lessen the value of that friendship. Sick isn't it? Another way to end it is to just stop answering the phone, door, e mails and anything else that comes your way. I have had a few good teachers for that type of thing, and once I saw how those people behaved and how well it worked for them, well it's a worthy subject.. Even though I didn't particularly like them, I still learned. We can learn a lot from people we watch. Mostly what I learned is how not to get burned. So for those who you care for most, and know a friendship has to end for whatever reason,  do them a favor by having them dislike you, not trust you because they "think" you did something, and all around you make it easier on them.
       Ending friendships is as if someone died, so before a death to make it easier on them, walk away, pick a fight, make it appear as if it's all their fault, or your fault. Who cares whose fault it is. If you do it right, it's cut and dried. Isn't that better than having to attend a funeral? Isn't that better than moving and having to go through long good-byes, tears, sad farewells, years of missing someone who meant a lot to you? RAD? Perhaps, but who cares?

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