Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do You Gleek? What R U doing to Your Kids?  One of my favorite links- Now do you actually know what GLEEKING IS?
                                        No not as in a  Glee groupie, now known as Gleekers, but to Gleek is to spit between your teeth. If you have a space you can Gleek even farther. Remember Pitching Pennies? Kids used to stand around and amuse themselves by pitching pennies until some wise guy made it into gambling. We would Gleek to see who had more wind. Monkey in the middle, stick ball, jacks, hours of Parcheesi, Monopoly, checkers and chess, and so, so many other games that either doesn't cost anything or is ten percent of that video game you'll buy this year. What are you doing to your kids? To yourself?
                This is all about keeping up with the Joneses. Remember when we said to our parents but all the kids have it? No we didn't dare, because that wasn't what was important in life, but it sure appears to be now. So how much stress does that add to you , your kids and family at this time of year. Maybe it's time to start to celebrate holidays, birthdays, anniversaries on another level. Stop making it as if you have to buy the best, get better, do better, look better. WHAT HAPPENED TO TIME?
         Suppose your child's birthday came along, and yes, you should start young, but it still isn't too late to redo old habits and teach, teach by example. No you're not a lost cause, after all if there's hope for me, there's hope for you too.

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