Wednesday, December 29, 2010

These Rotten Kids Today....

     How many times have you heard people say that? Too many times.. In my experiences I have met many, many, nice and hard working kids. Sure there area lot of rotten kids, but there are also a lot of rotten parents. Many kids who come from bad homes turn out well because they see who they don't want to be like. It also works the other way around. We end up being who we are because it's who we want to be, and yes, it really helps to have a positive foundation. If you grow up with a mom and dad who are decent, moral people, with possibly a spiritual connection and strong beliefs, the chances are higher you will come back to that should you decide to find your own way in life weather you take an express track or the slow track.
    You too may have strong beliefs but unlike your parents. No matter how hard you strive to be independent of their thinking, I bet you end up, maybe years down the road, very close to your parents way of thinking. Maybe I feel this way because I came from a foundation of being sent to church. What I learned at church appeared to be so opposite of how my parents raised us, it left me with a lot of confusion, that is until...
     Until I met a few people who represented to me what I learned at church. Those people were three men, (like the trinity) these men and I used to talk about "these rotten kids today". These men came from an Educational point, a Spiritual point, and a worldly point. Saying that as a description, all three men are alike in  a worldly,  educated and spiritual way.  Every generation is like the one before- is close to how our chats ended-sound familiar?

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