Monday, December 13, 2010

So what's it to you? sermon

     Earlier today I found myself saying to someone as a joke, yeah? So what's it to you? In the blink of an eye I remembered a sermon I heard some months ago, and I'm sorry to say, I forgot who the Biblical characters were that this was about, but that phrase now, each and every time I use it, takes me back to that sermon, and it  now has a bit of  a different meaning.( I know, even though I can't remember the sermon) I am still more careful how I use it. When I do say it now if to a child I explain it. If I say it to an adult, it simply means, if you can't help, if you can solve the problem or have a suggestion on solving it, then MYOB! Plain and simple. Yet I also am aware some people, some, really want to help, and aren't out to instigate, maybe just want to ask, how about we brainstorm?
    Next time you hear, what's it to you? Have an answer. Don't just butt in where you're not wanted. Oh you don't know when you're not wanted? Here's how you know: when you are used to babysit, cook, run errands, clean, send money, give money-no you're not wanted at these times, you're being used.
 I do know this isn't true each and every time, but more often than not.

           You're wanted when people invite you, but don't sit you in a corner just to be polite, you are wanted when asked to join in a conversation as equal as anyone else who's invited, you are wanted when people in position include you with others in position, when it doesn't matter what you look like, how you dress, how much money you have and are still included. YOU are wanted when as much credit is given to you( even though you may not want credit) as to all those "other" people who are wanted Yeah , we all know how people are treated differently, but shouldn't be, especially by those who tell you, well, I think I treat everyone the same. Yeah?  Think again. 

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