Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Mr. Vitalo ch.4

          It was now summer and the sixth grade was almost at a close. Every day after school I had to watch Jimmy, the new baby brother. I put him in his carriage and walked around the school, back and forth and soon I would see Mr. Vitalo coming out with briefcase in hand, on his way home to Levittown Long Island. What a trip to make twice a day ! Sometimes he'd say, see you tomorrow MAC, and other times, he'd just smile and keep walking. I couldn't bear to think summer was almost ere and I wouldn't see him again until September, but I didn't have any idea that Principals worked summers too. Yea for me.
         I spent a summer of talking with neighbor kids, going to the beach with family, having ice tea and trying to stay cool. I loved that block. Fifty-ninth street ha so many great characters, and a few not even near great, but I won't go into that now. I got teased a lot about having a crush on Mr. Vitalo, and then my father asked about him, and would tease in his nasty way about that Italian, except he would use a derogatory word, like greasy so and so. Well little did he know, the more he had bad things to say about people I liked, I just liked them a hundred times more.
     (I have to get back to this tomorrow-sorry)

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