Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear Mr. Vitalo ch 7

        Dear Mr. Vitalo

                  You'll never guess what happened the other day, you know after I brought my brother's Bobby's coat back? Well I didn't get in trouble and  he didn't rat me out to my parents. That alone is a big deal in my family. I know you know how it is to fight for a place in a big family, well even in a small family.
      On another note, a lot has been happening around my house, and your old friend Joe Paterno too with Football. So first, about Joe, that guy just doesn't give up. Maybe his age, ego, or just pride. I know all about that, and have had to look deeper inside myself about that. Even my kids have told me and reminded me at times about pride, yet they too have pride. So Joe Pa, his nickname which I'm sure you remember is still going as far as he can go with his PennState team, but it's obvious to see him become a bit more frail. You two are the same age, but the last time I saw you, you still looked as good as you did at PS 140. Mr. V, I'm so glad I have those memories of you. I think I'm probably more fortunate than many. I have been a bystander, able to see and witness with an open heart which was closed to others, see all the wonderfulness in those people. Some people never, ever get to see that, or FEEL it.
      Sometimes Mr. V, our hearts are so closed off for many reasons, that we just can't allow anything in. But God, Mr. V., has given me a stained glass window into the goodness of others. It seems that as I am about to get fully closed off, and not intentionally, a knock comes at my door. I even hear that knock at odd times, and when it comes, I think of the good things with good memories. These knocks also come like the sound of a doorbell. I sit up as usually I'm sleeping and wonder if I dreaming or is someone there. Each time that happens I am brought back to a time when I lived in a town of Jacobus.
      I think I told you that one day when I was at your house in LI, you know how I was sound asleep, or thought I was. I was renting a big old house with green print wallpaper. Then I couldn't stand so much green. everything was green, the walls, carpeting and steps. So when it was time to sleep, I welcomed it. But recently at that time I had back surgery, so to this day, I wonder if I was on pain meds, but the truth be told, I know what I saw.

        After tossing and turning I finally fell asleep, only to be wakened by something catching my eye, looking over my shoulder towards the front door with it's three small glass clear windows, I saw Jesus standing in the air looking at me with his hands outstretched. I took a double look and saw the wallpaper, that ugly paper, I must be dreaming. I turned back to go to sleep again, but decided to take another peek, just a peek to make sure I was just overtired and achy, that I didn't really see what I thought I saw. But again He was there, standing in mid-air, hands out, palms up facing the ceiling. This time I grabbed my comforter ( maybe I didn't know which comforter was which) and pulled it tight up against my head and lay still for a very long time. I tried to sleep, hard and fast. Sleep wasn't about to come and I was faced Mr. Vitalo, with knowing I had to look just one more time, so I did, and there He was. I wanted to say something, but I know I was still, well really I think I was scared. He stood, eyes now looking, just looking and I don't remember where, but his hands were still straight out, palms up, in mid-air, slightly away from the wall. He worse a light colored gown, long dark hair and beard, no smile, and his gown covered his feet. But what struck me most was his hands. I have always loved hands, but I knew I never saw His hands in detail, just hands as you would see anyone's who had them outstretched in the dark with a light shining in.
          Mr. Vitalo, I saw His hands, and I know you have too, as I know you are with HIM.
          Mr. Vitalo, I know why you came into my life. You were the beginning of waking me up to pure goodness. Sure I saw it before in the Norwegian ladies at church and Pastor Don, but to feel it, it came from you. How I loved to watch you walk, and later on learning how that tied into your life which I'll get into in this story  at another time, But life is coming full circle, and I bet you know all of this.
I would even think you too were part of a mission. Well I have to go for now
Mr. V.  -see ya soon-I always do.

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