Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Harden Your Heart?

    This morning on the way back from somewhere, I listened to a young preacher. His subject was, well I'm not too sure, but I do know he spoke about Moses and Jesus, who was more believable, and of course Jesus is. He mentioned something about doing it now, making a decision now. He went on with talking about Dwight Moody and the Chicago fire, how Moody gave a sermon and told people to come back tomorrow if they weren't sure. Then the fire happened and more than half of those same people who went to his tent revival, died. They didn't have a tomorrow to become saved or whatever was Moody's intention.
     Somewhere in his preaching he talked about how we harden our hearts to things. Here is where I got lost as I listen to people something about their voice will grate on my nerves. His voice was okay, but not captivating enough for me to keep my attention. Now I'm sure his voice was fine for most. We all, or most of us have some little quirks that stop us from doing what we know we should be doing, listening.
     I know about hardened hearts,and know enough to know I have been responsible for terminating people from my life for whatever reason, and not looking back. It is definitely a learned process. I thought about this yesterday, thought about myself, how I am, who I am and why. Well I know why but never thought about it during a process of cutting people from my life. Some were very good and decent people, most were not. I know why I cut these people out, and I know maybe it's time to try not to do that anymore. It really doesn't make sense, yet it doesn't bother me, still I might try to do better with terminating people.
    A hardened heart can be lonely I would think, yet I am not lonely at all. To go further, I think my heart is not as hard as it could be, because I have people I care about very much beside my children and a few old friends. Those people I don't even know, like st. Jude kids, MDA kids, hurting people. So if you think you have a hard heart and it bothers you, look again, and think more about it. Talk to a pastor, a good friend, even a stranger. Sometimes those who know you less, know you more. But as the preacher said this morning, if I received anything in his message, it's this, don't wait!

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