Monday, December 6, 2010

P.S. I Love You, How could I forget that my daughter and I

                Some time ago I was at my daughters house, and she showed me around her nice comfy, classy condo. She wanted also to show me her bed which was like falling into a marshmallow. So as the night starts to end she asks me, mom wanna watch a movie with me, I have great movie, you'll love it. I loved just being there with her, knowing she was happy. That's all I ever cared about for my kids. That warm and fuzzy feeling did come over me as I watched her, asking if I wanted snacks, then she got some chocolate covered cherries out and ginger ale.

       So here we were, me starting to fold into her bed as she put the movie in. I was a little apprehensive as movies seemed reserved for my son and I. No matter when or where we were, apart or together, he knew what movie I would like. One day I stood outside a theatre and he called me as I was deciding. It was a Steven Segal movie, and he said mom, trust me, you'll like it. I did trust him because he knew, he always knew what I would like, so yes, I did trust him, every time, and every time he was right. Isn't that nice to know how well your kids know you?

        Now here I was with my daughter who never wanted to go to a movie with me, well rarely anyway. Both in PJ"S and I in my cap had just settled down...oh sorry, I get carried away-she put the movie in, was excited saying, mom you're going to love this, wait and see, and she was grinning so wide. I lay on my side, a mile away in her king sized bed, and every once in a while she'd turn, look at me and say, you like it don't you? It's good isn't it? Shh I was saying inside, but she was right, I loved it. Then I knew she too knew me well about those kinds of movies. It was as if both sides of me are reserved in each of them and I feel it.
Two years ago my daughter bought me a gift, but I already had it. It was the movie,

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