Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SALT! NO! IT's Baaaa...k. After a year

       I caved in. It's been more than a year since I had salt in the house. I cooked and ate friend eggs every day, loaded with salt and toast. I reasoned all this was okay after I saw a special doctor, and he told me I was the same weight thirteen years ago, so I was good to go, eat what I wanted. Fat, old, knee issues, back issues, and not one doctor told me, you better lose weight. Now my family doctor was such a nice guy all he said was, and in such a nice way, I would like to see you walk every day, could you do that? Sure I could...well, would I. I said yes, but think I knew I wouldn't. I live in a hilly area and wasn't going to spend gas money to walk elsewhere, so now what.

      Tomorrow,that famous word, I am going to start at the gym or at the very least use my walk two miles cd. Probably the CD-I have too much to do. I promised a friend to stop over, have to run another errand and want to pick up some wood for  a few projects. Well, I want to write about so many things, so see you tomorrow, like the gym?

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